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Everything posted by remymartin

  1. Looks like its in my path, camera ready
  2. Its on its way to london passed here 10 mins ago was not electrified untill it passed
  3. Ive just had my first luton import of the year , although it was not the the biggest. a couple of flashes and bangs and torrential rain
  4. Im gonna have to do a storm dance i think , still nothing here
  5. Hmm not much here today, not even enough rain to fill the water butt
  6. Its gonna be a long night hope i might see something but dont think it will get this far
  7. have they started tracking slightly nw or is the kronenbourg got to me head
  8. IF these storms get to london will they intencify due to the city heating
  9. yes sorry neil but you need a sense of humour with our weather
  10. Those cells in northern france have made it 100 yards up the channel :lol:
  11. Le havre web cam http://oceanes.ville-lehavre.fr/Ville_en_images/Webcam.html
  12. The bbc forcast for tomorrow is the heatwave continues there was no cold front the jam from peter cockcrofts doughnut dropped on to the charts
  13. I think im being punished for not buying anything imported from france since the day they burnt our lamb. so no french imports to get this far
  14. The bbc forcast still thinks its going to move over to the east early hours of morning it needs to get a move on if thats to happen :o
  15. Just murky grey cloud all around now , does not look promising at all
  16. Yes i can clearly see that nothing from it at the mo
  17. Very dark to my south but no rumbles or rain
  18. Ive got towers going up exactly the same as yesterday but a couple of hours earlier
  19. Lets hope so mate. What has changed with our climate from 20 years ago i thought the so called global warming (still not convinced its man made) meant more electrical activity for us but it seems to be less now.
  20. Im not an expert but when was the last time we had 3000 cape and storms materialised. We used to get far better storms 20 -30 years ago or is it just me showing my age
  21. i like the look of fridays dogs , if it comes off
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