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Higher Ground

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Everything posted by Higher Ground

  1. Indeed - now 3.7C and still raining. Might have to shine a torch into it to look for sleet before long
  2. 4.1C and moderate rain - is it going to turn to sleet?
  3. Another agonising near miss for the last couple of hours here....... On the other hand, with latest temp -0.2C ice day remains intact, as does 5 inches of snow in the garden
  4. Ice day!!! Max temp -0.1C, current temp -0.3C.. 5 inches of snow on grass. Light snow falling. EDIT: light/moderate snow falling
  5. Continuous snow cover here since 1st Feb, snowfall practically every day, and still a level 5 inches of snow in the garden. So it doesn't feel like it's "over" here at all: there's loads of snow whether on the grass, bushes, driveways, pavements or even the sides of the roads in places. And we had a 1cm top-up at about 6pm which, along with a hard frost tonight, has set us up for yet another fully wintry scene tomorrow morning. Looks like we're easily going to surpass 2 weeks of continuous snow cover, and I'm pretty sure this is a record here in the last 20 years (longer even than in Feb 91).
  6. Definitely going to bed happy now: just ventured outside and it's proper deep snow, with 10cm+ of thick fresh snow lying on absolutely everything including the washing line! I almost managed to bury a 20cm ruler in the snow on the lawn, just a cm sticking above the snow in the deeper patches. Still snowing, so looking good for the deepest snow since 1991. In fact, why am i being so calm about this THIS IS AWESOME!!!!
  7. Think i might have underestimated fresh snow depth here before. Seems to be close to 4 inches on roof outside window (where previous snow had completely melted). Looks really thick in garden and on trees etc. Some of shrubs and trees seem to be bent over with weight of snow............. Also wind has picked up and snow starting to blow around - got a load of it in my face when i opened the window......
  8. Snow still piling up nicely here: now got 7cm/nearly 3 inches extra so far this eve. Judging by raintoday radar I reckon we could get at least another 2 hrs decent snow out of this. I need another 2 inches more to have the deepest snow here since 1991. (Bizarrely, the snow event to beat is Good Friday April 98, when we woke up to a freak 8 inches of wet snow which only fell on the top of the hill, and melted within the day)
  9. Well most of Birmingham and the West Midlands is relatively high, and just about everywhere seems to have snow settled. I think you'd have to go south of Redditch to find areas without snow?
  10. about 5cm/2 inches extra snow out of this so far so back to ~5 inches on the grass - and not going anywhere in a hurry from recent forecasts. Looks like we may easily surpass 2 weeks of permanent snow cover.......
  11. thanks very much for the info, will look up some old charts when i get a spare mo
  12. Yeah loads here snow still going strong. SW Birmingham doing as well as anywhere out of this snow event :lol:
  13. I can remember dec 90 as over a foot, and feb 91 being about a foot here, and mar 95 being 6 inches. Feb 94 perhaps 4 inches, possibly as much as 6? But i don't remember feb 96 or nov 96 at all. I have vague memories of being gutted on more than one occasion in the mid-90s after hearing reports of deep snow just to our west or north so maybe that's what it was? i don't know.......
  14. 2.5cm/1 inch of extra snow so far. Lying snow was 7.5cm/3 inch deep earlier this eve before new snow started. So I guess we're back up to 10cm/4 inch on the grass Hoping we might surpass the 15cm/6 inch of Fri a.m. and start creeping towards 1990/91 depths by tomorrow morning......................................... :lol:
  15. Shovelling it down with snow. Piling up. -0.7C. Nice. Glad to hear most people are getting it now too. Enjoy!
  16. Actually just off now, but will be back later. Light covering now, moderate snow gradually getting heavier. Temp -0.3C
  17. I'd say the chances of lying snow around the higher schools in SW Brum is now 100 per cent, judging by what it's like outside here. There's large areas at 150-200m which isn't much below us in altitude really. Lickey Primary is at virtually the same altitude as here; but it's just in Worcestershire......
  18. Look forward to a dramatic change That's kinda what it did here. We are in Brum, just (my address is Brum) and we're only 100m higher than many of the higher schools in Brum. Here it's already "winter storm" conditions and won't be long before it descends a mere 100m to Brum...........
  19. Moderate snow - check Mean wind speed of 30 mph - not far off, can hear wind "roaring" from inside Visibility below 200m - check
  20. You're in for a treat, doesn't sound like you're far behind us. Here we're just crossing past freezing point as we speak - judging by Vaisala lol, but also by fact that snow starting to settle properly on roof. Also getting gradually heavier, and with strong icy winds feels like quite an event now. It's all snow from here on in, question is how much........
  21. lol but you can't beat the names around here. There's a road down the hill near here called Twatling Lane (pronounced Twotling you will not be surprised to hear.....), it adjoins another called Mearse Lane, but even those pale into insignificance compared with the village a few miles away in N Worcs called Bell End!!!
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