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Everything posted by frostyjoe

  1. Current temperature of 20c. Max today was 24.7c under clear skys though it was windy at times. Just checked sat24 wondering were all this cloud has come from and it looks like another wall of unforecasted cloud has came here out of nowhere, it better not be another front!
  2. Current temperature of 19.4c. The wind has calmed down and the rain has left. It is still cloudy though, though i can see its clearing away. I'm very surprised on how fast the temperature is rising under his cloud.
  3. Raining nuts and really windy and 17c i'm glad this is the last of it.
  4. Max was 24.3c today under very windy conditions and hazy sunshine, which later clouded over. Currently 19.2c and drizzling rain, at least its raining at night.
  5. Aye well how would you like 15c, its friggen freezing and cloudy AGAIN!
  6. It was 24c yesterday which isn't roasting like, but its only 17c here now and foggy... gone send us from of the good weather and stop being shellfish, am seriously getting sick of this crap!
  7. LOL that face is halarious, only 23c here so you are wayy lucky. If they keep rising the 2/3c every hour they may hit 35c but it'll probably drop now. Edit 31c there now!
  8. I think london is going to reach over 31c today, lets hope so it would be class to see! Its 21c at eglinton already good god that was a fast rise lets hope no more rain comes so that we can get 25c. Currenly 22c here with a 30mph wind gust!
  9. Currently sunny and 21c with 30mph wind gusts making it feel far colder Eglinton has tumbled to 15c so now i don't know if my readings are correct and it'll take them ages to get back up there again so we won't be the warmest in ni... i hate those rain storms!
  10. Min last night was around 15c so colder than the night before. Currently 20c with cloud floating about and a bit windy, no more windier than yesterday though. Lets see if we can get 25c today if the cloud stays back, as i'm in need of warmer weather!
  11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/10424433.stm Aye but you aren't reading that right it says sunday.
  12. No eglinton was 23c, and ballycastle is 20 miles away, and that station is high up right on the coast and is always covered in fog so that wouldn't be the best station.
  13. Oh goody we've finally reached 23c (which is alright but not as good as it could be) and big jigantic rain drops have started falling typical!!!!!!!
  14. The minimum at ballykelly last night was bloody 16c!!! Its cloudy here now and 17.5c and muggy VERY muggy its doing my head in now as its been like this for about 2 weeks and everytime i move i sneeze!, a pity it wasn't sunny and we would well have 30c.
  15. low last night was 16c, it is now 18c with a little bit of sun peaking through the clouds but not for long.
  16. and its still 17c here, i don't care anymore now as its too cloudy now and i'll never make 20c, at least tomorrow will be around 24c. But it'll still puzzle me why nowhere else has reached 20c with the amount of sun and little wind.
  17. Yea it must be that, because barely anywhere else is at 20c.. ugh well at least i'll be warmer than that tomorrow..
  18. How is glasgow getting 21c!! Its only 17c here and cloudy... tomorrow is set to be the mid tweenties i hope so because i'm getting sick of this crap. This is driving me nuts the temp is jammed at 17c for the past 2 hours and there has been barely any wind, and glasgow is rising as you like!
  19. Is that Nautical twilight? I remember seeing a really bright twilight last night at 1am and the sky was still blue and you could still see things, but then at about 2am the twilight got darker, so the first one must've been cival twilight?
  20. A comet, i thought they came every 60 years.
  21. Currently sunny with patchy clouds floating about. Max temp was 12.4c. Current temp is 11c. Wind has actually calmed down. I think tonight will be very cold if this cloud dosn't keep expanding!
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