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    Swindon [North Wiltshire]

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  1. King's Lynn, Norwich, Ipswich, Colchester, Northampton, Central London, Oxford, Milton Keynes. Heavy Snow is due within the next 1 - 3 hours in all the Prior-mentioned locations. Lighter Sleet or maybe Snow is expected across parts of North Wiltshire, Berkshire and Hampshire within the next 1 - 3 hours, the chance of snowfall and heavy accumulations due to settling is lower. Anywhere just North or North East of London will most definately see Very Wintry Precipitation within the next couple of hours, leading to accumulations of upto 6cm likely. As a generic rule the further South and West you travel the more the precipitation will fall as wet snow or sleet. I've been on my travels today and I've seen accumulations of 10cm very close to Gainsborough, in between Doncaster and Lincoln. I started in Scarborough where I steadily progressed to Pickering in the North york Moors where I stayed the night and was not disappointed with the significant 6 - 9cm accumulations I witnessed. I've since then travelled slightly SW to York where I witnessed Moderate intensifying through time to heavy snowfall, where no significant accumulations were evident in the City, however more rural locations were impressive and I did witness falls of 5 - 6cm. After studying the charts again, I then decided that their would be significant accumulations anywhere between Mansfield and Lincoln and potentially Nottingham. The generic rule again applied, whereby I did realise that the most significant evidence of accumulative snowfall would occur in more rural districts around these regions. Arrived in Licoln at 15.45 to be greeted by Heavy Snowfall, accumulations of 3cm in exposed rural areas of the city, but merely slush in the City Centre. So, I'm in Lincoln, I need to start heading west now in order to make my destination Swindon.
  2. Heavy Accumulations likely over the next 24 hours for Sheffield, Mansfield, Nottingham and Lincoln. Severity Risk sporadically transferring to Peterborough and Camborough as the systems move through. Stayed at Pickering in North Yorkshire last night, measured the snowfall accumulations to be 5 - 7 cm on average. I'm in York City at the moment and I'll be heading south, next stop Lincoln, anyone have any advice on where their is currently the heaviest accumulations already in any of the places mentioned above. Kindest Regards, [Keith J David]
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