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Lt. Dan

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Everything posted by Lt. Dan

  1. I don't think there is a more reliable predictor of cloud than a potential NLC showing...
  2. A small cloud free letterbox opened up to my North West, but zero sign of any NLC's. That will be the extent of my efforts tonight
  3. I caught up with this storm, after finishing with the Bradwell storm!, and this was my view from the North East of it (lower res image attached). This must have been around 8pm by then and I'm pretty sure this was over towards Romford-Brentwood. Six of hours of chasing storms in Essex yesterday, when does that happen! Like you say, both of the storms I saw today had some decent organisation to them with very clear updraught/downdraught separation at times, even some hints of decent structure too.
  4. Yea lots of cloud up there tonight, sat imagery does not look promising either. Will give it half hour and call it quits for tonight.
  5. That was a display well worth waiting for. Great pics everyone. I won't spam all my images (I took a few ) but this was my favourite, taken just before they started to fade around midnight. I did keep an eye out for a second showing but nothing appeared. (Lower res upload for the forum)
  6. Showing to my north west now, very high and widespread.
  7. First clear skies in about a week over here but a no show. Stayed out until 11.30 and then set alarms for 01:30 and 02:30...nowt. Forecast looks clear again for tonight though.
  8. Did I miss much? Some great pics there, and looked a real nice display. Had a feeling I was going to miss that when it was raining at 11pm. Nevermind.
  9. Those are likely surface based storms formed in our own back garden, not a flaky, fickle, wind up plume
  10. Oh man, those looked pretty nice. Nothing but cloud for me last night, I'm pinning all my hopes on @mushymanrob and his recent post for tonight
  11. Nothing wrong with those! I gave up, I could just about make them out but the fog ruined it
  12. Starting to appear to my North just now...would you believe it, so is some fog
  13. I've been thinking about picking up a filter, how are you finding it? I can usually process a lot of the LP out with Photoshop but anything that can be done at capture time is appealing.
  14. Couldn't see that faint display over this way and it was very clear. I'll be staying up to see if they appear for the pre-dawn show though...
  15. Ha, I was out doing the same as it goes. I finished taking my milky way shots about 1:15am and turned back North to see that all too familiar glow, lucky really as I was about to head home.
  16. Not sure if that previous pic posted properly or not but here is another one anyway
  17. Pretty sure these are visible to my North now, I have a rather annoying strip of low cloud obscuring them but there is something bright behind that for sure.
  18. Same here, I like how there is not a cloud all day long...until about 8pm, then its all low cloud on the Northern horizon. I tried again at 2:30 but absolutely nothing at that time.
  19. Well done guys. I have been out most nights this week hoping to catch them again...and then last night was too cloudy over this way
  20. Nice pics everyone! Gave up and went to bed too early didn't I. The tears are proper stinging today.
  21. You can tell its not Wickford because it actually has something to look at That was Hullbridge, just a bit past The Smugglers Den. Where was your windmill shot? I struggle to find anything North facing with a clear horizon around here.
  22. Same as @mushymanrob, I thought the early showing was a good sign but they did fade rapidly before 11PM. Checked again at 2/3am but nothing. These two shots were at about 10:30PM, looking North/North-East I think. Happy enough after a week of cloudy skies though.
  23. This image was taken just after 11pm and I didn't expect to see anything that good. I need to scout out another location during the daytime though
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