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Raising Money For Shelterbox - Please Help


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  • Location: Aviemore
  • Location: Aviemore

Hi all, following recent events in Japan we've made the decision to try and raise some money for an exceptionally worthwhile charity which is already working in areas affected by the earthquake and tsunami - Shelterbox

The way we have decided to do this is to give away a place on the storm chase and auction is via ebay with 100% of the eventual sale value going to shelterbox. It's tour 4 of the storm chase which the place is on, and that's a very special tour as Michael Fish will be joining us (he's also given a signed copy of his book stormchase to the auction) - so not only is it a fantastic cause it is a chance to join us on a true trip of a lifetime.

If you would like to get find out more or get involved by bidding in the auction you can here:

Ebay Auction for Shelterbox

If not, we'd really appreciate it if you can help us spread the word by letting your friends know, using facebook, twitter etc.


Paul - on behalf of the nw team.

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  • Location: Aviemore
  • Location: Aviemore

Bidding is closing in on the magical £590 mark - this is the cost of one of the boxes shelterbox gives out to a family - so thanks to all those who have got involved so far either by bidding or spreading the word.

The boxes contain an assortment of items, from a tent shelter large enough for a family of 10, to tools to cut wood, dig a latrine etc, to cooking equipment, and even items for the children - which if you consider they may have lost everything they had must be a real bonus for them.

You can find more info about the boxes here:


And as before - anything you can do to help us push the total as high as possible will be much appreciated..


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  • Location: Aviemore
  • Location: Aviemore

Wahey, £1270 - thanks everyone. That's a couple of boxes for shelterbox, so we've managed to help at least 2 families, great news :D

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  • Location: Milton Keynes MK
  • Weather Preferences: anything extreme or intense !
  • Location: Milton Keynes MK

Well done Paul and the NW team :clap:

.... enough money for two boxes is amazing and will make a big difference to the lives of the family's that receive them !!

Happy storm chasing to the lucky winning bidder and everyone on each of the tours this year :D

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  • Location: Wickham, S Hampshire, UK
  • Location: Wickham, S Hampshire, UK

A lucky person gets to go on a brilliant Plains chase at a super price and the charity benefits to boot. Very generous of you guys I have to say.

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  • Location: Castle Howard, North Yorkshire
  • Location: Castle Howard, North Yorkshire

Fantastic news! :D

I thought the auction was a marvelous gesture, and I'm pleased that enough money has been raised to help two families. Congratulations to the winning bidder. Hope you have a wonderful time


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  • Location: Aviemore
  • Location: Aviemore

Quick update for you...

After the auction a few alarm bells were ringing about the winner and after a bit of detective work we tracked down who it was (thanks google!) and clarified that it was in fact a fake bid.

The good news is that another very generous person who took part in the auction came through, so the original donation of £1270 to shelterbox still stands - all's well that ends well as they say!

Thanks again to everyone who took part in the auction, either by bidding or helping us to spread the word :D

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  • Location: Hayward’s Heath - home, Brighton/East Grinstead - work.
  • Weather Preferences: Snow and storms
  • Location: Hayward’s Heath - home, Brighton/East Grinstead - work.

I think that fake bidding in a case like this is despicable. It is good that another bidder could step into their place and honour the total raised. So well done to that person and good luck on the chase.

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  • Location: south London
  • Location: south London

I had the same probs on a auction of £1,000

I think people should get banned if they dont intend to PAY!!!

Im glad though the second person resolved it!! :drinks:

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  • Location: Leigh On Sea - Essex & Tornado Alley
  • Location: Leigh On Sea - Essex & Tornado Alley

Chino's right

Utterly Despicable and when it was linked to the devastating Earthquake as well that makes it even worse Imho. There are some true Scumbags in this world.

One saving grace is I am so pleased it went to Mike (Not Mr Fish), an absolute gent and cant wait to hook up with him on Tour 4.

Paul S

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  • Location: Barnet, North London
  • Location: Barnet, North London

Cheers Paul. I can't wait to get out there, meet Mr Fish, read his book and chase supercells in some very good company. :clap:

What a rollercoaster ride! I hope the user is dealt with properly by eBay but since it's for charity it's only fair that ShelterBox get the money quoted.

Well done NW for running this.

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