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Help with new sensor/shield for weather station

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Hello all , I am new here, I was following this forum longer time, and I would like to now ask for help. 

I am having my quite old weather station running for few years already and the sensors have been already few times exchanged or repaired, thus I am planning a new station on higher level.  Till now I was using a logger from Campbell and RS485 sensor, because I needed to measure on a more distant location, but I had not power there.  These were quite reliable, but after years they tend to have a big drift and/or offset. So what I was planning was to keep the logger itself, but exchange the peripherals. 

I am already browsing net few weeks, and found out few sensors from Rotronic and Vaisala which could pass and meet my requirements for measurement stability for longterm measuring.

Anyhow, I have also found sensors from company Barani, like this MeteoTemp  which seems to be based on parameters shown quite good with a good price ( I found probably their distributor or eshop or what, but what for me is interesting, they offer a bundle of radiation shield and sensor for a reasonable price).  

Do you guys have any experience with this company ?  I have listed out the patent for their radiation shield MeteoShield and it looks to me as a possible way to go.


Thank in advance for any comments. 

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