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  • Location: Cumbria UK
  • Weather Preferences: Cloud 9
  • Location: Cumbria UK

First of a few photos taken by John Finney. This is from the back of his camera. 



  • Location: Cumbria UK
  • Weather Preferences: Cloud 9
  • Location: Cumbria UK

Paul took some stunning photographs containing insane lightning. 

He is his FB report to be going on with.

What an amazing chase day in Western Oklahoma today. A pair of LP Supercells broke the Cap around 6pm and put on a stunning display of Structure and Mammatus, the Southern cell had 2 white rope funnels only 1/3 of the way to the ground. Some bad grass fires were started from Positive Cg bolts raining out of the anvil. Ended the chase down by Mangum with beautiful red skies and lightning raining down around us.


They are currenty overnighting in Elk City , Oklahoma.   A place where I seem to remember seeing some bikers with a cofin on a trailer.  



  • Location: Derbyshire
  • Weather Preferences: Stormy!
  • Location: Derbyshire

Western Oklahoma with a 590 mile chase day. We chased A pair of LP Supercells with stunning Structure and Mammatus clouds, 
We ended the chase down by Mangum with a brilliant orange sky caused by the sunset and the dust kicked up by the storms.

Once again, a big thanks goes to the Netweather team.

© John Finney

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  • Like 3
  • Location: Birmingham, Harborne 160 asl
  • Weather Preferences: Columus Bigus Convectivus
  • Location: Birmingham, Harborne 160 asl

Propper bostin Tom

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