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Well, it's now getting towards the final countdown for mini-Roo's appearance and so myself and Mr Roo thought it was about time we actually got our posteriors in gear and starting thinking about getting some baby things.....After spending 45 minutes in the country's largest Mothercare we both started to regret the decision.....I mean, how many different types of plastic bath and changing mat can you need for heaven's sake.... if it's plastic and does the job then who needs more??? I was amazed that none of the shops have a 200 quid all in bog standard set of everything essential so there is no need to trawl round the shop looking for all the bits that you will probably never use and pass on to your friend to never use too.....but do they have that? do they hell?And as for pushchairs/prams/travel systems/3 in 1s/2 in 1s/buggies/strollers/space rockets/cars/tricycles/quadbikes, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc the list is blooming endless!!!! We have opted for the newborn safe (AKA has a lie down position) two in one pushchair and car seat combo which weighed less than a Sherman tank (trust me, it is tricky to find such an item) and would fit in the boot of a car smaller than a stretch limo.....Luckily, my mum and dad kept my travel cot from when I was little, so mini-Roo will be sleeping in that in our bedroom, before being transferred to a cot donated by Mr Roo's sister (she bought another one because she didn't like the colour........ and also probably because it wasn't designer whatever :blink: :o ).We've bought 7 little vest/baby grown things and 7 sleep suits and a cardi, and I am refusing to buy more until we have a better idea how big it is (after all, Mr Roo can always leg it to town to buy more if they are needed)....I've also bought some real nappies and a couple of squeaky jangly toys, and apart from a few other bits and bobs that's my lot...I refuse to be pushed into buying more crap!!! :D BTW....I had to leave Mothercare after 45 minutes....I could feel myself losing the will to live.... :D


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Are you have finally discovered the joys of baby shopping. I agree it is hellish and thankfully we are done for the moment. However, I see many more trips and endless wasted money to be spent yet.

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Oh blimey, how you can quickly spend a fortune on baby things you don't really need.

Two places to try are

a) a local car boot sale - you will find loads of stuff (some brand new or barely used) You can get some really trendy gear, especially for 0-3 months as they grow out of it before they even wear it.

B) check your local National Childbirth Trust - they often have sales of 2nd hand stuff. Believe me you can get some real bargins

There is also a magazine that used to come out twice a year called "Baby Best Buys" which has user ratings of things from pushchairs to baby carriers and can save you making expensive mistakes.

If you use a pushchair with a car seat, remember don't leave babs in the car seat for too long while going round town etc, it can damage their spine plus it's mega uncomfy for them ;)

Enjoy and buy a few nice new things as well :D

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Thanks guys....am slowly working out how this all works...

Yes, I love the idea of second hand stuff, and have managed to get a few bits and bobs that way! Have also got a big suitcase of stuff from mum's friend, and some other stuff from my bestest mate!.

As for car seats, I am now au fait with ECE R44 and had the littel girl at Mothercare check it fitted our car (for anybody that doesn't know, Mothercare will check the car seat is right for your particular car model)...

Changing chest of drawers arrived this morning, as did a job lot of bits and bobs: I love interenet shopping! :lol:

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Forgot to say that Babys'r'us are quite good.

You can also get a catalogue in the store (if they have any left)

Word of warning - change bag will become your handbag so try not to have one with Teddy Bears etc on (unless that's your style) I'm looking to buy a mono strap type one next time. Plus you don't need special wet clothes bags, that's what nappy sacks are for :D

Oh and on the subject of nappies, if you do go for disposables in the end - don't buy a nappy bin :unsure: Believe me you will want them out of the house asap, just put them in a nappy sack and chuck em out the back door :rolleyes:

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Have nice black change bag with olive green lining (c/o mothercare) that Mr Roo decided was acceptable for him to carry too!!!

And am going to attempt the reusable nappies to start with: am now practising my folds! Now where is my teddy?.............

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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