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Everything posted by shogan83

  1. Working away in Southampton this week, down by the docks/port. After briefly brightening up 45 mins ago its starting too really darken too the east along the coast, could be n interesting afternoon, fingers crossed!!
  2. Feels more humid this morning especially when the sun gets a break in the clouds. Starting too get dark too my south, wouldn't' be surprised if I get a heavy shower shortly.
  3. Down in Hastings for the weekend , went out too film the incoming lightning but the rain was so intense I ran back too the in-laws !!
  4. I’m Northants Just had 5/10 minutes of unbelievable winds, fences have fallen in the street , it was utterly wild for a second there !!!
  5. 5:15 Winchelsea caravan wake up alarm of rumbles of thunder , been growling constantly since
  6. Sat on Winchelsea beach , East Sussex in the pitch black, can see some very distant flashes too my SW
  7. I’m at Winchelsea beach! Stunning views of the clouds from the storms in Kent !
  8. Yeah Down in Winchelsea beach , East Sussex, at the in laws caravan. Can see the convection from the storm north of here
  9. Looked like it was turning too Snizzle and about too stop about 20 minutes ago, now its gotten heavier again!!
  10. Lovely storm here , must’ve lasted best part of 2 hours , never particularly violent but constant grumbling and regular flickers of lightning , decent Sunday afternoon!
  11. through the mist and murk i can see some hefty convection too my S/E
  12. After not having much luck and being slightly disappointed by forecasts took the boys too the boating lake too play on their RC boats when the app started going off and saw this big old storm going through Cambs/Beds, deciding too retire too back home where it’s getting eerily dark and some distant rumbles too my s/e, fingers crossed!
  13. Getting dark too the south and south east now , warm breeze coming in , expect too hear a rumble soon !
  14. Already hotter than yesterday and a smidge above what was forecast , it’s roasting and large load building directly too my south
  15. Can see a storm out too my SW , distant flashes lighting up the cloud , it’s so pretty!!
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