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Everything posted by nimbus20

  1. Dry, hazy, sunny morning but much more humid. Temp 20C in a very light NE'ly wind
  2. Radar is showing a clutch of showers/showery rain which has just "exploded" in the western part of Lincolnshire/East Nottinghamshire. Looks rather strange, but if it isn't a ghost image then its developing, and rather fast too
  3. Very warm, almost sultry at 26C in a light Southerly wind. Despite only 44% rel humidity it feels very muggy indeed under an increasingly threatening cloud cover (Cirrostratus, Altocumulus (some castellanus), and towering Cumulus).
  4. Dry, sunny, rather warm morning, with only a few wisps of Ci in the sky. Temp 15C and a light SE'ly breeze.
  5. not a drop here mate. But can see what you have over your area at the moment on radar, and it has grown over the last half hour.
  6. Nothing here so far mate. Its cloudy but getting a darker hue to the sky now, so maybe something is brewing, even if only just a shower. Good afternoon Lord Graupels Hope you and Lady Graupels are keeping well. Can we have our shower back now please? :lol:
  7. Dry, mostly cloudy but with some sunshine starting to peep through. Temperature 13C in a light westerly wind.
  8. Should be with me in about 20 mins then, but could lose its intensity like the previous one. It is certainly a very large and organised area though. Still cloudy here with just a little light rain falling.
  9. Just moderate rain falling here out of a totally grey and featureless sky (As). Radar indicating that, at least for my part of the world, the cells are starting to lose their intensity. Still very humid though (93%), temp 16C and a very light SW wind.
  10. Have just been out, admittedly for longer than planned. It is more humid out there now, and remains overcast with another large cell approaching me from the west. You might get the southernmost tail of this.
  11. If my geography is right then they are not too far from you. Its that line of convergence precipitation you can see on the radar, heading SE.
  12. Has the Scunny shield finally broken then mate? Told you eating custard creams was the answer :lol:
  13. and its still developing, and merging with what has just gone over me!! Any flooding Katherine?
  14. Can see that cell on radar. It looks enormous, and has exploded into life over the past 10 minutes or so
  15. Glad to hear that you are having a storm. Just heard another rumble of thunder, the first for 10 minutes. Skies still overcast, and clearance still slowly coming over from the west, but the whole development is trough-like.
  16. Very heavy rain falling. Thunder and lightning largely died down now. Clearance visible in the western sky.
  17. Don't give in just yet. Radar showing plenty of cells heading your way. Hope one of them at least pays you a visit
  18. Its raining heavily here now. Still thundering and can also see sheet lightning. Edit: There has just been one flash of fork lighting!! You have a good chance of getting at least a heavy shower if not thunder within the next hour or so.
  19. Just had another deep and very loud rumble here. Seems as though the main part of the cell is about 2 to 5 miles to the north of me. No rain has fallen yet. Keep eating the custard creams, it might help :lol:
  20. Hi Katherine. Don't know whereabouts in South Lincs you are, but radar is indicating that cells are heading your way
  21. Just heard a very loud crack of thunder. Skies becoming increasingly dark and threatening.
  22. Hi mate. You are suurounded, or at least thats what the radar is indicating :lol:
  23. Very dark towards the NNW of me now. Can hear rumbles of thunder but as yet can see no lighning. Not toio long now before the rain starts.
  24. Just noticed that whilst the surface wind is from the west, cells are moving from NNE, so there is probably a convergence zone developing about 10 miles inland. Could be interesting for places like Caistor.
  25. Sky now full of ever-developing cells, especially towards N and W (where it is getting darker). Radar showing developments happening almost instantly nearby.
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