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Everything posted by Dancerwithwings

  1. Lol, that’s a confession that the police maybe interested in “ plantation “ you dark horse you PM
  2. Thanks Paul Winds have lowered now here, but for an hour or so it was very blustery
  3. Blimey !!! I’ve just had a walk to my local shops and I was blown all over the place It’s a weeeee windy out there right now
  4. Agreed, Midland thread started 01/12/21….and it’s still ongoing whether it can be done, but can there be an automated system in which threads end and refresh after say 3 months
  5. Sorry to say but the Dew Points ani’t having any of your hopes I’m afraid It’s a couple of weeks of Mild Depression for now on , then hopefully heightening to the NorthWest Atlantic/ Blocking, may bring hopes of a Northerly just before Christmas Day
  6. At 4pm I was at 1.1c…..7pm I’m now at 2.0c, dews at 1.3c….so no chance of seeing anything wintry here…..I’m hoping for winter to return a few days before the big day
  7. Yes what a difference from a few days ago I’m not moaning at all Its a great start to Winter Best thing is …we’ve still 3 months left
  8. Wow 2nd I wasn’t expecting that I’m sure I say this for all, with thanks to J10 & Roger…. for one’s endeavour’s to keep this competition going You both deserve medals
  9. This is what I keep on mentioning that it’ll peep up, and looking the radar that’s starting to happen
  10. Patient grasshopper…later will be us in snowyhull this trough will move east and peep up
  11. Well Matt, we may as well bin this forecast then ….. It’ll wheelie change it’s going to peep up, as we aren’t due anything proper unit late evening, keep the faith
  12. Same here, looking at the temps and dew points anything that’s falls will be of snow
  13. We’ve been there so many times, and for some reason it’s always snowfall, when it’s rain, it happens
  14. I’ve just ask my daughter for a quid out of her money box, she asked me what it was for, when I told her, she told me to clear off as dad you’ve told so many times it’s going to snow and I wake up to now’t ….she said “whoever cyclonic happiness is, I agree with him
  15. On the radar the perception doesn’t look much atm, but the forecast is for it to peep up as it moves east ….time will tell currently now, I’m at -1.1c and dew points at -2.1c so defo snowfall it’ll be, if it gets here that is
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