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Everything posted by TheToastPeople

  1. well i guess i will just have to grab a beer and wait and see
  2. do you think there will be any chance of thunder and lightning? would be great to have a nightime storm
  3. Does anyone know if the weather coming over the channel is likely to do anything later tonight when it reaches the uk?
  4. i would pay money to have ONE storm this year. So far ive heard 5 rumbles and seen only 1 good flash this year...
  5. i dont belive it the storm vanished before it reached me i went out to watch it and it never arrived wtf
  6. when this next band of rain gets closer im going to head to the playing feilds so i can watch this roll overhead! i will take the camera of course : P
  7. cool dude your not to far from me, looks like we are pretty much inline for that heavy rain so lets hope it gets thundery!
  8. I am in kempston and that blob you see almost over me on that radar grab apeared from nothing! it wasnt there atall then all of a sudden it was!
  9. Nice pic dude and i have to agree things are looking pretty weird up there i got a few big showers nearby but no thunder from them, yet Edit: Just heard some thunder! and a rain that came out of nowear!
  10. today could be the day we have been looking for! already i can see clouds building in the area B)
  11. Band of rain just about to go overhead with a few rumbles of thunder! Very windy with gusts of 35mph
  12. holy crap i got a 71% storm chance for tuesday night! never seen it that high before so fingers crossed!
  13. New forcast http://ukasf.co.uk/m...orecast/id-335/
  14. There is rain over me on the radar but only a few drops of rain.. still 20c outside aswell!
  15. perhaps after the main storm goes over land.....
  16. bbc has updated there weather model http://news.bbc.co.u.../forecast/10209
  17. Here try this one in exmouth acording to nw radar its just about to hit the rain and you can see the rain getting closer to the camera from the sea! http://www.exmouthcam.co.uk/webcam/ It just looks white out to sea which is prob rain as about 10 mins ago you could see to the other side of the coast
  18. lol i think we just crashed the cam Edit: oh working again now
  19. hehe its good becuase when you see white blobs you know your in for trouble!
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