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Arnie Pie

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Everything posted by Arnie Pie

  1. Hi Phil....have a look at the links and posts from the last 5 pages... if that is the Aberystwyth radar site then I`m not sure they cover the Mesoshere or the Troposhere which are the layers at which the NLC`s are present....all the relevant radar links are in the previous posts and a discription of the 'clockface' method of prediction.. is on the previous page
  2. Distant 'flicks',at the back of town, coming from Tamworth/Burton way
  3. last of my 2000 odd images checked....found a couple more 28mm 0.8" @ f7.1 iso 100 continuous shooting 28mm bulb release @f7.1
  4. from the second wave 28mm 1/4" @ f 9.0 ISO 100 continuous shooting
  5. latest AIM for 11-06-2020..... which shows up the scotish display perfectly
  6. Just saw a flash in my viewfinder from the Rugby cell wich is now working it`s way up the East of Birmingham
  7. Tried...now heading towards Stoke way...might be worth keeping an eye on
  8. Latest AIM for 10-06-2020 interesting article on 3D images @ SpaceWeather.com -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids WWW.SPACEWEATHER.COM
  9. On using the above method with the AIM from 3 days ago three days = 11 o`clockish = big gap in the cloud Also if you look at the area for 2 days out ie 1 o`clockish. that would used be used to predicit last nights chance`s which worked out well for anyone in Europe who were fortunate enough to be under clear skies So clouded out for tonight...Happy Hunting
  10. Were definatly working towards the same theory Paul...Using the fact that Nasa believe the NLC`s transit completely around the pole over a period of 5 days i`ve made a gif from the lasts 5 AIMS (05-09 June) to check this belief Which kind of works ( if you count to 5 you can make out the clockwise transition ) which i make that 72° transit per day or 12 minutes on a clockface hence the clockface guide I`ll be the first to admit that there are to many varaibles to totally rely on this method...But i believe that there is some logical merit in it Thinking back the best predictors we found last year was the array of European NLC webcams to the East of the UK...from where the NLC`s drift into the uk....and then theres always the current radar information (which i`m hoping that this year....Someone will be able to explain in laymens terms what they actually indicate) anyway if your theory`s working for you then.....Stick some clear skies wouldn`t go a miss either. I know you`ll let us know if there` a show
  11. I`ve just seen the Scotish photo ......got one eye on sat24 but i kind of know the awnser....
  12. Corné Ouwehand‎ Facebook; Noctilucent clouds around the world NLC including seasparkle! Netherlands right now!...... there maybe gaps appearing on cloud radar
  13. While awaiting todays AIM Wow using the clock system would have got me excited for tonight/morning....if that big, long arm @ 110`clock has held together then i would have expected a possible 'overheader'....and of course the radars at both 70°N and at 54°N to be indicating something.....Which they are possible copyright issue prevent me from posting the latest signals...but can be found here...where both the latest signals MARRSY radar (70°N) and OSWIN radar ( 54°) are located Edit; The Marrsy radar seems to be stuck atm Current radar observations - Research - Leibniz-Institut für Atmosphärenphysik, Kühlungsborn WWW.IAP-KBORN.DE interested article concerning radar Noctilucent clouds around the world Adrien Louis Mauduit Admin · June 8 at 11:42 AM Can we use Radar echoes to predict NLCs? As of yet, there is NO WAY to predict NLCs with 100% certainty. Radars like OSWIN (north Germany) or MAARSY (Arctic Norway) detect echoes in the upper atmosphere called PMSEs (Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes). The signal from these radars are reflected by free electrons around ionized material. Scientific evidence show that the material can be ice crystals, which is what NLCs are made of, but also other carriers like large ion clusters. Although it is in German, Stefan Krause kindly shared the results of observations correlating echoes and the occurrence of NLCs (so in short, can we use echoes to predict NLCs?): They found that between 2007 and 2019: - 57% of the nights preceded by OSWIN echoes show visually confirmed NLCs. - 34% of the days without echoes were followed by NLCs - 80% of the NLC nights were preceded by echoes. - Those figures might have been slightly underestimated due to some nights with clouds. In addition, those RADAR measurements are taken directly above the station. Unless the display is strong and NLCs are visible overhead (rare), they are therefore relevant only for observers located south of those with a radius of about 100 to 600km, who might see the NLCs thanks to the incidence of the Sun. Radars can also detect echoes coming from ice particles that are too thin to reflect sunlight, so they are invisible. So the conclusion to be drawn here is: - Echoes cannot predict NLC display with 100% accuracy the following night. - However echoes give quite a good chance to see NLCs the following night. - The stronger the echoes, the better chance there is. - Echoes can give an idea of 'local displays'. So you can use the radar echoes if you like to give you an idea of what to expect (https://www.iap-kborn.de/forschung/abteilung-radarsondierungen/aktuelle-radarmessungen/oswin-mesosphaere/). Please don't get disappointed if you don't see NLCs after someone advertised strong echoes in this group! NLC season is so short already, so as soon as it is clear, take a chance and go outside, that remains the best way to see NLCs! Happy hunting!
  14. Nice Zak Yes Rob... we were suffering the same fate just down the road in Brum. Curse of the clouds again On a cheerier note the latest AIM looks a beauty....and on par with last year at this time Looking at some forecast....dont.....but there may be a clearer slot Sat/Sun where by 'the law of Sod'.... the NLC`s wont show up Keep the faith
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