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Isolated Frost

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Posts posted by Isolated Frost

  1. Isn't ice volume much more important than area or extent, the latter two simply more perimeters, not necessarily useful ones, but interesting nonetheless?


    Nothing to write home about for me; it just seems as though any recovery is futile, and that it's damage limitation, a matter of when, not if.

  2. Posted Image

    First real attempt at a heavy rain and snow event across Nunavut this season, especially at lower latitudes. Snow accumulations will generally be quite large over higher ground on Baffin; though a lot will be rain and sleet at lower levels.


    Posted Image

    By Saturday evening, two bands containing rain, sleet and snow will be travelling up the Canadian arctic and the eastern Greenland coast, a lot of rain will fall across south-east Greenland, but this will turn to snow as it moves northward. 

    • Like 4
  3. 26c progged here today! Could be the 7th (or 8th, don't have data for August from Durham) 25c+ day this year.


    2013 had at least 6, so far

    2012 had 2 (in May, and in September, none in summer!)

    2011 had 3 (one in October)

    2010 had 2 (both in May)

    2009 had 3


    If August 1st wasn't already a 25c+ day, then this could be the warmest day in August since 2007 (max 25.5c), or 2006 (26.3c), or even 2003 (28.6c).


    One of the warmest August days of the millennium (sounds better that way!) here at Durham, potentially the warmest August day in 10 years!

  4. The chavs in your area must be stupid then. Longer nights = chavs out longer, colder, shorter nights = everyone indoors by 7pm (unless it's snowing).

    As opposed to the smart chavs!

    I don't understand what you mean though; shorter nights, everyone's indoor by 7pm? Longer nights, chavs out longer? It doesn't make any sense?

  5. I probably socialise slightly more in summer, the holidays and warmth etc, and don't play on many video games (bar GTA, FIFA/PES, FM) so winter's generally a good laugh as well, I go out lots, and it's often more atmospheric in winter, certainly. The seasons don't really alter my pattern, but I imagine they will in a few years.


    What I would say though is I don't understand how you think anti-social behaviour falls in winter Eugene?! Around my area, a few chavs will probably be around on longer winter nights rather in the majority of the summer daylight.

  6. I am new to these charts and am wondering what a really promising chart would look like in say 1 month and 2 months time and what a really bad one would look like from the point of view of a UK winter.

    I made a big analysis on the 2012-13 thread, if you want to see it, and Cohen etc have made great publications on the matter; but I believe Aug-Oct is an important time as early Autumn snow growth generally leads to colder UK/Western European winters; in 2 months time, it would be useful to compare to recent years and look at the westerly extent of the snow, ice and snow area and the synoptics around Russia, China and the Arctic have been over autumn.

    • Like 1
  7. post-12276-0-51323400-1376946572_thumb.g

    All that new snow in Western China has gone for the 19th, don't know if error, or just very light falls that have melted abruptly-

    big new snow in NW Greenland and NE Canada; and a bizarre boomerang of snow in northern Russia... there we go!

    Ice evens itself out with some gains and losses around the board.Encouraging, still have another month before ice losses become near enough non-existant and the snow starts to surge.

    • Like 1
  8. It's getting dark too early now! Feels like the equivalent of early Sunday evening (and can just hear the Antiques Roadshow on the tv!) knowing you've got work in the morning... it's coming... sadly...

    Oh you love it!

    I can see where you're coming from, totally, and when I'm working I'll probably grow to hate it, but I am getting right into waking up in the dark mode again!

  9. Got around 1cm on 3 different days in 2011-12, a real shocker of a winter for snow. Cold wise, early Feb was good, at times great- but not the extent of continental Europe and SE England- much of Europe seems to have a good habit of getting a sharp cold blast in February in recent years; hopefully we'll be looking back to the north and north-east this autumn and winter.


    As long as we get a good few days of late warmth and sunshine, a real atlantic storm, some ground and air frosts and perhaps a good smattering of snow this autumn, I'll be happy; preferable to start reeling the cold in come mid-November.

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