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Crystal Memories

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Everything posted by Crystal Memories

  1. I had a little bit of pop about the forecasting models being inaccurate past 48hrs & was jumped on saying how much they have improved. Have a look at what this forecaster says about the models at the end of the forecast for this weekend http://news.bbc.co.uk/weather/hi/news/newsid_7760000/7760862.stm ( the models are at there lowest confidence they have ever seen ) lol
  2. I really feel this will be a short lived cool snap that is being massively overdone by the models & will stick my neck on the line to say there will be very little snow at low levels in England,mainly sleet & mainly dry in Scotland, the easterly's will only last a few days not allowing the really cold air to arrive before a slow breakdown from the west. I know this is not what people want to hear & is defiantly not what I want to be posting on here as I am a massive snow fan. I am no where near as knowledgeable as a lot of people on here but I do tend to have a knack of being right when it comes to forecasting weather. But I am hoping that I will be wrong & really don't mind if I get slated for being wrong providing we get the cold weather everyone is after
  3. I can read weather maps but just don't see the point past 48hrs lol
  4. so in effect the computer throws dice a few times a day and just makes up a answer up for the long term forecast, which still makes it inaccurate & just the same as tossing a coin does it not? as far as I can make out it cant even predict the change of the jet stream which is the main driving force for our weather. So to the point I first made what is the point of everyone arguing about a prediction machine that cant predict past lol
  5. But it doesn't matter when they was upgraded as there is no stable data for them to work from so how can they predict anything long term right? & as we have seen time & time again news headlines & weather forecasters saying this is going to be a really bad year or the summer is going to be boiling hot lol it's all just guess work which a 2 year old could do ( long weather forecasting I am not on about real time forecasting so as not to upset fellow members )
  6. I very rarely post in here because I refused to get sucked in to all the false ramping or doom mungering but I do follow to try and learn from more experienced users, But there seems to be very little acknowledgement to the fact our whole weather system has dramatically changed over the last 20 years & this is why the computers are finding it nearly impossible to read anything past 48hrs so my point is why do so many people get in to arguments over something that is so inaccurate that you may as well toss a coin as to when or if? cold weather will get here or not.
  7. Come on snow i'm getting impatient here i have got a bet that the snow would be here by 10.30pm lol
  8. lol well said, People you really need to get other interests as well if things are not looking great on the weather front go and do something else that will make you happy. Sports / Train spotting /dogging / anything but don't waist your life waiting for things to happen
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