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el tiempo

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Everything posted by el tiempo

  1. Just the odd flake here now. Was snowing at midnight & at 5am & 8am but not much of a top up. It looks like it's melting on cars. No idea what the forecast is they seem to be all over the place.
  2. Met Office giving weather stations at Leek as -5 & Keele -4; look at the forecast for the Roaches ! https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/forecast/gcqw6rxvc#?date=2018-02-28
  3. Doesn't seem to be melting as fast. Still a covering in Hartshill. Where it had been melting off cars in the streets, icicles now forming .
  4. Just been out. Gritters are out and about. However, everything falling is melting unless in the shade.when the sun comes out you can feel it.
  5. I was surprised that the cauldon canal was totally free of ice. Canals etc don't seem to do this any more. When I lived by Hanley Park in the mid 80s during one particular cold & snowy spell the kids were playing ice hockey round the island using branches & a little block of ice. One wag had sawn through the ice in the shallow part by a bank & the ice was so thick, through the hole that was left ,you could touch the bed.
  6. When we had a snowy day a few weeks ago how come, here in Stoke, it only stuck on trees, bushes, hedges & the winter flowers coming through in flower beds? None stuck on grass. Can't remember seeing that before.
  7. Light snow -light covering. If this year had been a leap year, would the cold spell last a day longer?
  8. Re- Meto forecasts. I've been on their site a few times today (but not every time)& there's been a message saying 'difficult to input data try later' . Maybe they're having technical problems.
  9. Stopped snowing so just going outside. ..I may be some time
  10. Light snow here for the last 30 minutes. Slightest of dusting
  11. Bert Ford & Jack Scott are the first presenters I can remember
  12. Poor Tomas. BBC News cut off half way through to leave him standing 'exposed "
  13. Any ideas how cold night temps may be with or without snow cover during the course of the cold spell? Got small orange, lemon & kumquat bushes in the greenhouse but no heating. Will it get as cold as 2010?
  14. Purely out of curiosity. If this SSW were to occur at other times of the year eg may, August or October, what would the weather outcomes be then. Thanks.
  15. Went out for a walk & as soon as it was starting to stick it turned to sleet then rain then stopped
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