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Everything posted by Karl

  1. lol - looks like the database didn't get refreshed during the move - will have a look now
  2. lol - all part of the server upgrades i think... at least i hope it is. best get that one repointed though
  3. thank you all for your kind wishes - i'll forward them on to mrs m. mother and baby doing well plus they've moved hospitals today bringing them closer to home... Thanks again
  4. it's uploaded to a different operating system which probably doesn't return those values when properties are called.
  5. wetterzentrale appears to be down- nw data centre is fine for gfs though
  6. probably just yer browser getting muddled with the headers - the error handling can often pop out one too many heasders so the page may in some cases be attempted to download rather than display
  7. it's a bit iffy at the moment after one of noaa's servers decided to give up yesterday - should be up in an hour or so -
  8. go into control panel - add remove prgrams - then select windows components - messenger should be there somewhere and just needs unticking
  9. probably - or some kind of cookie security system - they can be a pain in the proverbial norton?
  10. are you coming in through net-weather.com or .co.uk .co.uk is best
  11. it can also happen if you come in through net-weather.com rather than .co.uk .co.uk is the safest route
  12. Karl


    oh dear - you're going to give oon heart failure
  13. Karl

    Housey, Housey....

    sheep don't make good witnesses - hence OONs freedom yuck - sorry to hear about the break in anyway... perhaps the stole a pottery shard in order to recreate a medieval village
  14. Karl

    Sunny Day

    gaygroup summer outing...... i'll say no more.
  15. nah - at 6 foot they're quite scary
  16. well I'm proud to say that I removed a 6 foot thistle from my garden today. I must have wonderful green fingers to produce something like that.
  17. they are only weeds if you name them weeds i call them ambience
  18. aahhhh validating. they've registered but not clicked on the thingy in their email to activate their profile properly
  19. to be fair - the bbc checking with it's audience will be targetting a different demographic than the people on here. weather enthusiasts (more likely to be found here) will be less likely to like the new forecasts. personally i think they're awful
  20. is there something in your security settings that stops referrer id being passed through that can cause all kinds of problems
  21. Try downloading irfanview irfanview it's free will convert to jpgs for best compression and can easily resize images
  22. Hi, Just found this thread and had a weew fiddle. Unfortunately this icao code is not being picked up on the server we get our data from. zilch I'm afraid.
  23. Karl

    Later Today

    I must say mrs oons buns are not looking as nice as i remember them
  24. snow here - a few millimetres lying - another snow shower just come in. Looks quite heavy - if it hangs around may have to get the sledge out
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