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Posts posted by abbaman

  1. If cfs run of the jet stream we are looking for the rest of winter being mild but that is raw data. But I think if we get a bad late nov Early dec er will get a mild Jan , Feb and March. I also have looked at metoffices cfs raw data as well and it's the same as the raw data for the jetstream on here. Also my weather stations raw data as the same as both the jetstream rawdata on here and the metoffice. But with a few cold spells but not under -2 and I have done a my own long range forecast and for rest of Jan Feb March we are sticking to a low mild winter. As I have been given a very rare copy of when there was a late Nov Early Dec snowfall. But can not send it as it is private doc. 1956 is one when it happend and 1962 dec to feb 1963. And this is an extract from that page. In 1963 the cold weather started in December 1962 and persisted through to February 1963. It was a terrible time for people especially in the Southwest of England where many were cut off and trapped in their homes for long periods of time. Whatever global warming brings there will still be from time to time cold winters but perhaps they will never be as spectacular or as devastating as those mentioned above.

  2. I'VE just downloaded software and it is weather watcher and we might get some snow acourding to theier forcast for tonight and tomorow morning. But that is not right what do you think. And 22nd of jan we have sleet so we nearly have snow but not quite so we do have the winter coming.

    http://www.metcheck.com/V40/UK/FREE/dayforecast.asp?zipcode=Derby&day=5 this is derby only.

  3. Have a look at this from metchecks 300 day CFS


    and sleet in apr frist week.

    And the lastest is no snow or sleet for feb or march on metchecks 300 days CFS system. So if someone can discuss what you think of this from metchecks 300 day CFS weather.

    Febs forcast http://www.metcheck.com/V40/UK/PREMIUM/cfs.asp?MonthOf=2

    March forcast http://www.metcheck.com/V40/UK/PREMIUM/cfs.asp?MonthOf=3

    and July's one is here as well http://www.metcheck.com/V40/UK/PREMIUM/cfs.asp?MonthOf=7

  4. Someone please reduce the font above!!!

    In response to the latest models...



    That was from 19:25 today from metchecks CFS 300 day forcast. so and also from my weather station that is about 12 years old. As the outcome. Sorry about the font as it is for a friend of mine posted on another weather forum. But just copied and pasted it here.

    feb CFS weather..docxfeb CFS weather..docx

    Just popped into my head that I must book myself an eye test....can't think what reminded me!

    Anyway, skies have cleared nicely tonight and temperatures are everso slowly falling. Think we've seen the last double digit figure for at least a week now...possibly longer.

    Strange to get a clear night with no frost after the way this winter has gone so far.

    But there is an air frost in the air in Derby area. feb CFS weather..docx

  5. Acourding to metcheck.com 300 day cfs weather march as three days of sleet 2nd 10th 19th thats the days it as for sleet nearly snow but weather is mild 3-4c not cold but not under 0c so thats a forcast that I'm pridecting for March Feb is going to be mild as well most of the time above 2c so thats my pridection of the weather for the midlands Derby area. But that could all change. But that's my fave weather but acourding to my tests on my weather station that is on the landing a old one but it pridects a mild feb and a mild march and a pretty good summer but just had a print out of the weather for nov and dec weather emates of it and we are looking like a pretty poor winter 2011/12 as if we have two bad winters. All winters for ten years are going to pretty poor with no snow at all as a friend have sent readings from his forcast from the 50's,60's,70's and the 80's/90's and it seems that we only get two bad winters then 10 years of good mild winter weather. And if we get a bad late Nov and Dec we will get a mild Feb and March. As it is reported that there is trend of mild if we get a bad late Nov and Dec as I've have had contact with Fred talbot a weather forcaster on ITV Central sometimes and he is pridecting weather no snow for the forseeable furte. more like rain or sleet but that could change but even weather from anknown weather station that I can ger acess to it is the same as metcheck's Feb March 300 day CFS weather. So what are your thoughts on this.

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