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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Still forecast for double figures temperature wise for Christmas Day. I can handle no snow, but it should at least be cold. God forbid it is too warm for the Christmas jumper!
  2. Looks like we're due for near constant rain for the next 3 days. If only it were cold enougb to be snow *sigh*
  3. Long range forecast for my area suggests double figures temperatures for Christmas Day. This will not do!
  4. A full on proper all nighter? I'm sad to say not since 1999. We've had some day time storms but they have been short lived and certainly nothing to make them memorable. I miss the MCS's of the old days.
  5. Can't link on my phone but check kentonline, that is what they are reporting. Take a look at the new red areas on the environment agency website too.
  6. Blimey. According to Kent news evacuation has been advised in lower areas of Strood and Rochester. Never thought they would be at risk they still seem pretty high above water to me :O
  7. Just had a worried phonecall from Mum warning us there is a flood warning for our area and asking if we were taking precautions with the house. I had to remind her that we live on top of a hill and that if we needed to take precautions with our house then I worry for most of Kent. Not funny when you consider this is very real for some people but I couldn't help crack a smile at her.
  8. Well if this isn't snuggles weather, I don't know what is. Stay safe out there, y'all.
  9. Is it me or is the wind actually quite warm? I must admit I didn't think we'd feel the wind as much as we are down here.
  10. How beautiful was the sunset tonight? I was driving so I couldn't get a picture, but you rarely see a sunset that deep red.
  11. Looking at the yellow grey tinge to the blanket sky, you'd be forgiven for thinking it's about to snow if it wasn't so warm.
  12. I know what is up with that? I swear in the old days people didn't put up decs until maybe two weeks into December. We always used to laugh at the 'weirdos' in our street who put them up in November but now every man and his dog is. Do people not just get bored of Christmas when they decorate so early?
  13. Blimey Tom that's a lot of work you Chris have done! And to think it started off as an informal bit of fun last year. Thanks for all your efforts.
  14. It says it's been 5 - 8 outside today, but it has certainly felt much colder. For the first time this winter, I've done what I quite look forward to: Coming in, putting the fire on and snuggling under a blanket with a cup of tea.
  15. Well it is definitely stay in bed snuggled up, looking at the weather outside weather.
  16. I'm about to go into a meeting so I'm likely to miss this. Fabulous
  17. I really need it not to snow at the end of next week, I have to attend something that is non refundable even if the weather is bad.
  18. Hi Tom, I have been missed off the list from last year. I am in NW kent or more specifically Strood.
  19. I am staying out of the model thread because: a) I don't understand all the tech speak so have no idea what anyone's talking about b)it's a bunch of people arguing about stuff that I don't understand c) it's not a nice environment to post under. My experience in that thread is how I imagine it would be to be in the middle of a riot in a foreign country - you have no idea what they're saying, what they're rioting about but all you do know is you don't want to be there! In other BREAKING NEWS, the heating may be going on when the temperatures take a dive in the week.
  20. Apart from 2009 - 2010 the Medway snowshield has held strong. By my completely random logic it's got to have a rest at some point.
  21. Well I have learnt my lesson when it comes to snow. I will only nowcast. I can't tell you the amount of times my area was promised severe snowfall that either was nothing or was far less than predicted. No fault of the weather people, but for my own sanity, I shall nowcast only!*** *** there is a good chance I may change my mind if excitement takes over.
  22. Why have i not thought of this before??? I shall send him out as soon as he gets home!
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