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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Regarding the pressure charts.... Does the pressure relate to a certain range of temperatures. Obviously the smaller the numbers the colder it is, but is there a rough guide as to say, what 450mb relates to temperature wise? And does certain pressure equal certain weather or do we have to consider dew points and stuff into that too? In which case what sort of pressure and dew points etc are we looking at for there to be snow? Still trying to learn!
  2. Right, that's it, I'm cracking out the winter jumpers and boots.Winter has now officially begun. I don't agree with all this calender 'Official start of Winter/Autumn/Summer/Spring'. From now on the seasons shall begin thus: Spring - The heating goes off. Summer - the first day the flip flops come out Autumn - the first time you say 'ooooooh, I can't believe how dark it is already!' Winter - the winter jumpers and boots come out.
  3. Looked similiar to this but definately not a contrail. I wish I'd taken a photo now!
  4. I certainly haven't seen them before. If you can imagine scud cloud, but vertical, that's what it looked like. I will get a picture next time to show you what I mean. Maybe it even was scud cloud, but in a odd shape?
  5. I have noticed a lot of clouds recently that look very similar to steam towers that come out of industry chimneys or clouds that are almost vertical without them being of a Cu/CB type look. Is this shaping caused by updrafts and at this time of year what do these clouds mean?
  6. Snotty, congested and generally icky. And as for the weather, blimmin' freezing! Can I finally convince him to stick the heating on?
  7. Our display was successful, the wind died down and we had a good show. Apart from the one rocket that fell on it's side and exploded a few feet from us, but that was quite fun in it's own way.
  8. Well the fireworks and food have been bought, so we're going ahead whatever the weather
  9. What time is it due to be here and how long should it be lasting for my area? Specifically, Medway.
  10. Looks like the weather will be OK enough for our fireworks.
  11. Well OH has decided to go ahead with our fireworks whatever the weather. I have told him not to come crying to me he accidentally sets the close on fire with errant fireworks.
  12. Any idea when we will know by a good percentage whether this will hit the SE or not as I need to come up with a Plan B if fireworks can't happen.
  13. As much as I would enjoy some interesting weather. We have already spent a fair bit on fireworks, food and booze for our party, so if it could delay itself that would be fab.
  14. I'd really love another storm, but I'd also really like a fireworks party. Do you reckon a Netweather letter to the weather gods and some free cake would get them to move it to Sunday evening?
  15. Been to check on Mum and Dads while they are on holiday. They've lost a shed roof, fence panels and a tree. They only live a mile away and are 10m higher than us, but seems to have made all the difference.
  16. If it could be early or delay itself that would be fab. We have a fireworks party planned on Saturday.
  17. OH took 3 hours to get from Medway to London on the coach!
  18. Seems really odd to go out and see most trees bare now when yesterday they were in full leaf. It's like winter happened overnight.
  19. Bit odd. Seems friends in Dartford got hammered, lost trees and fences as well as some in Maidstone yet here in Medway seems to be minimal damage.
  20. Doesn't seem to be any damage at all here. Gusts peaked at about 4am, seems to be picking up again now though. Have we peaked yet?
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