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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Clouded over and stupidly humid. Fingers crossed for a storm.
  2. 2 huge gunshot claps overhead with a rumble that lasted a good 10 seconds. But that's it. Not quite sure if I can count that as a storm as it was so short lived!
  3. Ugh. We would have had at least one decent storm by now, but nada. All this rain and humidity for nowt.
  4. Just got back from a BBQ, so naturally it's chucking it down. Sounds glorious though.
  5. Nice little storm this morning. Nothing too big, a starter storm if you will. But it takes me out of the no storms club.
  6. Feels like it's getting hotter. If I didn't know what time of year it was and you told me my radiators were on full blast, I'd believe you.
  7. I like to remain pessimistic about getting storms. Can't be disappointed that way!
  8. That little storm just skimmed me to my West, nothing overhead.
  9. And it's moved on to the North without really getting started. Boo!
  10. Absolute beast of a storm cloud over us chucking out some rumbles but nothing significant yet.
  11. Had a brief shower which I'm thankful for as it will hopefully knock some pollen out of the air, water the garden and give us the glorious Petrichor.
  12. So annoyed my hayfever is awful at the moment so I can't really be out in the sun enjoying it.
  13. Other than a few spots, I haven't recorded proper rain for well over a month. The grass is all crispy and yellow and the ground us cracking and it's only May!
  14. Got super hot and humid the last hour or so. Definitely a sleeping with the windows wide open sort of night. I've got to wear PPE tomorrow for work to see patients. I might just melt.
  15. National Hurricane Center WWW.NHC.NOAA.GOV Here we go! Not looking to cause too much hassle.
  16. At this rate I'm buying myself a paddling pool to float in, put some beach sounds on in the background, close my eyes and just pretend I'm on holiday.
  17. I think this year will be studied extensively to see how much a reduction in pollution etc impacts hurricane formation.
  18. Haven't seen rain like that for a while. Saves me the job of watering the veggies. Poor cats were locked out by a house a few doors down all day and were completely soaked through. All day they were crying to be let in
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