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Norfolk Sheep

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Everything posted by Norfolk Sheep

  1. Sadly still a member of the NSC - I was in London from last Thursday and although my OH reported rain and a brief hail storm at home, no thunder. Ditto in London. Rob
  2. Jolly good! I'm not sure about the NSC but I might well be leaving the as yet unformed No Rain Club today Rob
  3. That's 14 years longer than me I have a question - is one's membership revoked if one experiences a storm in another county or is it only direct hits on one's house that count? Rob
  4. Hello bor, how're yer gorn on? Thass yer dickey in tha' pightle then?
  5. If I scream you'll probably hear it I must say thank you for the storm free welcome, I feel quite at home Rob
  6. Morning everyone, not really a newbie but I can never remember my password, I knew Facebook would come in handy one day (been lurking for about 5 years ) Please accept my application to the NSC, is there a No Rain Club as well?
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