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Everything posted by over_the_rainbow

  1. Certainly makes for fun model watching and let's hope we all get something up our end!
  2. Just seen the latest GFS and ECM and it certainly looks like there is some cross-model agreement regarding a cold pattern from the 15th and some very pretty charts emerging - nearly textbook on ECM. As it's FI obvioulsy there is caution in the finer detail at this stage, but I just wondered what you better model watchers think this potential easterly could mean for us Scots?
  3. Thanks to LomondSnowstorm, Lorenzo and A Winter's Tale for the posts above - it clarifies the current picture for me. I agree with Hairy Celt that you guys present it clearly and at least on this thread you don't have to wade through the emotional peaks and troughs of dallas on the MT thread. I do understand why people are so exasperated as the 'goodies' keep staying just on the edge of FI, but I guess this will just be a slow transitional change for us. Happy Birthday to BleakMidwinter - hope you are having a good day! And what a treat to see the sun today! Sunny, but brisk in the wind - lovely!
  4. great link - thanks (I used to work for the EA in England, before I became a mummy, so I should have thought to check SEPA :blush: )
  5. The rain feels like it has been relentless for weeks this winter (not to mention the damp summer ). Looking at charts and met-o warnings it looks like the South West of Scotland is in for plenty more winds through this evening and into the night - although less severe in intensity than yesterday. Stay safe and warm - and for the rest of us it looks like more rain all night. Anyone have any localised flooding or risk of?
  6. Sorry to hear you have some house damage! I bet your local handyman is going to be a busy chap this week! On the positive no-one on here appears to have sustained a physical injury. Currently overcast, but dry.
  7. Has the forum been overloaded this morning lol? Wind has been skirling away here - eerie! A question for a pro, but when should the worst of this have passed us on the east side? By lunch? It keeps lulling and then picks back up again at the mo.
  8. Very bawbaggy this morning! Lights are flickering here too, but thankfully staying on. I feel for any of you that have to commute this morning, driving in these conditions gives me the heebie jeebies!
  9. Thanks for the warm welcome :-) Been a lot of rain/sleet this afternoon, and fairly heavy at times.....but not a hint of a proper flake (the chocolate or precipitation variety)....
  10. Sprung! Well I shall make my first post and say Happy New Year to you all! A Perth lassie, and sadly here it has been fairly sunny so far this morning though I can see cloud cover coming. My old folks live near Newtonmore and asure me that they have accumulated a couple of inches since this morning - I'm a tad jealous! I shall try and not be a mouse and join in - though I am still getting to grips with model watching, but I can verify that I am an A1 lampost monitor!
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