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Everything posted by poseidon

  1. From the album: General Convective Weather shots

    Taken 7th July 2012. Associated brief hail shower from memory. Occurred on an Estofex thunderstorm risk day with a Level 1 slightly further North.
  2. Had a heavy spell of rain from the cell in North Essex. It's gone past now though and sun is back out. Sky was very dark and stormy but unfortunately nothing else came of it.
  3. Had some promising looking CBs but they seem to have moved east at a rate of knots.
  4. Probably best day of the week. Big dark clouds around here. No lightning though!!
  5. On small cell has made it to Dunkirk, producing lightning as it goes. However, now it's crossing towards the UK the bit over the water has fizzled.
  6. This gives a good idea of what's going on currently... http://www.meteo-mc.fr/satellite-ir-anime-eu.php Looks like the big storm system in France is effectively being mashed as it hits the channel and pulled both NE and SW.
  7. The cell near Le Havre looks like it's died and the main one seems to be pushing ever further east towards Belgium.
  8. sky's gone quite dark here, with lower hanging clouds developing. Not sure whether to get excited or if it's just a thickening of the white stuff we've had for most of the day. - Umm, may be just the latter
  9. Has passed over me now - dark to the east and especially south Chelmsford way. But has stopped raining here, big patches of blue sky appearing. All over pretty quickly.
  10. More thunder and lightning but seems to be trying to get brighter at the mo.
  11. Kicking off here in Essex. Several claps of thunder overhead and torrential rain.
  12. Yes, definitely looks like a mini version of shelf cloud pictures on Google. Thanks.
  13. Took these pictures a month ago. The cloud shown built up in front of my eyes with the bottom extending down, frothing and swirling around. It appeared to be an offshoot from another cloud. It ended up shaped a bit like a pyramid. The day was sunny, but with big clouds producing some hail. I'd be interested in any comments.
  14. Sky just went very dark here, with low cloud. Then torrential hail followed by rain for around 10 mins.
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