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Everything posted by JMTD

  1. Looks like it'll arrive much earlier than expected and we're going to get absolutely smashed in the worst way possible from it. In for a long night.
  2. Cambridge is an absolute oven right now. Literally had sweat pouring from me it was that hot. Had some hot days but this one is right up there, everything is set up for big storms later.
  3. For sure. Last night was a bonus for T&L lovers. Just a teaser of what's to come which IMO will be much worst than what we've already seen.
  4. What an absolutely horrible day. Unbelievably hot and humid, just nothing in the air. Already had a few rumbles about 20 minutes back. Had a couple in the night, luckily didn't get smashed like most people close by in the night. Incredibly that was just the stuff that wasn't hardly forecast too, it'll just be the starter for the main course and dessert that's to come over Friday/Saturday
  5. http://www.cowes.co.uk/Spinlock-Cowes-webcam.aspx The cam that was posted, bloody mental, have a look at that!
  6. I wouldn't worry, things can and will change. It could be heavier than predicted or it might not be as big as predicted. As always it's a matter of waiting and seeing. I honestly think most are going to get something at the very least and likely more, but the weather works in mysterious ways. I hate thunder and lightning so personally I'm hoping we miss it all somehow, even though we're basically smack bang in the middle of the threat.
  7. Wouldn't worry, most of the country will get smashed at some point this weekend. Will take something special to be worst than the storm we had last year that went on for about 12 hours and was nonstop bomb style strikes every 30 seconds, easily the worst I'd experienced in my lifetime. This is spread out over 2-3 days though so could reach crazy levels. Yet more storms and incredibly people still try to moan that we never get anything
  8. Beautiful day today. Wasn't too bad yesterday, had a BBQ and thankfully it only rained lightly which didn't effect it. Anybody got any rough ideas of how Tuesday next week will be in general for the UK? A mates birthday and planning to do something along the lines of Alton Towers or down to one of the seasides, praying it's going to be nice weather.
  9. Going absolute crazy here, hammering it down would be an understatement. Lovely Sunday, nice and cool, heavy rain in parts and no worries about anything going bang
  10. Personally I've seen a fair amount here and don't understand the constant complaints on here. Was only a year back that we had basically the worst storm I've seen in the 26 years I've been alive where it was nonstop strikes for about 10 hours. Ideal summer for me isn't lightning bolts potentially striking me or my house mate though obviously I understand plenty of people love them. Just seems anytime I come on nowadays it's 'potential thunderstorms'. Not all of them come to anything but obviously as somebody who dislikes them, it bloody annoys the hell out of me. Now if we want to complain about no snow then I'll happily join in that one
  11. I dream of the day where I can get through a week without warnings and threats of storms. Winter, summer, autumn...doesn't matter when, storm chance, storm chance storm ******* chance.
  12. Surprise surprise, yet another weekend of potential storms, yet all I ever seem to hear from everybody is how we never have anything
  13. Would swap it all day mate, hate thunder and lightning, need to immigrate to a country with none of this! Any idea how long this is gonna last?
  14. Was in Cambridge earlier, had a few massive flashes and cracks of thunder out of nowhere about quarter to three. Just started again here, hammering it down and thunder getting nearer and nearer. Sick and tired of this.
  15. How we looking for tomorrow night Cambridge wise? Didn't expect to see anything but seems there might suddenly be a chance of a storm? Really hoping not. Might have a BBQ tomorrow and stick the gazebo up. Lovely day today.
  16. Just sat watching television in the dark and the entire room lit up. Massive flash and entire sky lit up outside!
  17. Started raining about 25 minutes back here and it's now absolutely hammer it down.
  18. Any belgium webcams or anything online? Looks like they're getting smashed right now (and have been for hours now).
  19. Bloody hell, just started hammering it down with rain here out of nowhere. Could go bang, hopefully not.
  20. Getting darker and darker here now. Not sure why some are worrying. It's not even 10am yet and parts have been getting a good amount. Expect it to potentially be much worst soon, got an entire day and parts could get absolutely hammered.
  21. Some loud rumbles of thunder in Cambridge, flash in the distance about 45 minutes back too. Any idea how long through the day this will last? Any rough idea when Cambridge area could be in the clear? Not until later tonight?
  22. Made it over, looks like we're going to get absolutely smashed over here at any moment.
  23. Just got to hope it dies and doesn't come here. Loving the weather but the potential storms are ruining it as always!
  24. Oh of course, I didn't mean it in that way. Everybody is different and obviously a lot of people love storms. I didn't used to really mind them at all until a bolt struck a pole in my back garden which sounded like a bomb going off. Love the rain, hate thunder and lightning. Seem to be constantly coming on to see "this percent chance of storm today" and it drives me nuts. Sorry if I offended any of you by the way I said that in my previous post...heat, cold, snow, rain, sunshine...anything for me as long as the storms keep away
  25. Sick of it, doesn't matter what time of the year it is, constant threats of storms. Wooohooo, let's all hope for some life threatening lightning bolts to come striking out of the sky, oh the joy.
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