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Everything posted by Orpingtoniceagedec10

  1. December 10 was the best for Orpington , south east london , we were blasted by the thames streamers and had around 20 inches between nov 30 and dec 3 , in 2009/10 we had a similar setup but with more of a southeasterly flow, but we only managed 13 inches then .
  2. Just been watching a disturbing video about the planet Nibiru , aparently entering our solar system soon . Has this any likekyhood of affecting our weather ?
  3. Looking at the latest strat temps , there seems to be a gradual warming on one side of the vortex , is this the normal way in which it warms or does it seem a bit one sided ?
  4. That was wordered far better than my effort , but was exactly what i meant , thankyou !
  5. Although i'm new here , i think i'm beggining to understand the odd thing ! Just a thought and I may be way off mark , but all this talk about the very cold ( colder than normal ) Stratosphere , being the main thing that is stopping too much optimisym . With it being so cold at present , when we suddenly have a rapid warming , it may take the strat tempurature just back to average or just above rather than the normal well above during a cold spell . So could it be that when the change happens , the cold spell is made all the more potent because its being help by a colder strat ? Not explained it very well but hopefully you'll all get the gist !
  6. I'm a bit confused , but i can't work out why a cold stratosphere is bad for winter cold . I would have thought that cold air mass at whatever altitude would be good for the prospects of cold and snow . Can anyone enlighten me ?
  7. Am i correct in thinking that because of the current downbeat nature of most of the comments on here , that the winter forecast isn't looking as good as it was 2 or 3 days ago ?
  8. Hi all , i'm new here , but i've been led to believe that the depth of snow cover in Siberia in Septemer has a big effect on our forthcoming winters . Does anyone know where I can get this information from ? I'm hoping for a craking winter like dec 10 , when here in orpington we had 20 inches of lying snow ! A good portion of this built up through the lake effect from the thames estuary . What are the best conditions for lake effect to occur ? Roll on winter .
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