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Everything posted by Bumpkin

  1. Was -4,8c when I went outside at 8.20am, now got up to the dizzy heights of -3.1c. Lovely crisp, sunny day.
  2. Models can show trends and consistency and then change a few days out, its people's fault for taking it as gospel and then throwing a tantrum because it has changed. If people learnt that things constantly change then there would be less twisted knickers.
  3. -1.4c, crisp and sunny. Had to scrape the car windscreen this morning.
  4. I think people allow themselves to get sucked into believing what the models show a week or 2 ahead if its something that they want to see. I follow the models with great interest and look for trends but don't take anything as more certain until we are a couple of days out. Several have moaned about being 'led up the garden path' but you are willingly holding out your hands and being taken along by the models. Look for trends by all means, just realise that things change and nothing is certain.
  5. I don't think the discussion in the model thread is the problem but the ramping and the knicker-wetting excitement followed by the wrist slitting. I read the model thread all year round as I am interested in what the models are showing and the weather and climate in general but during the winter months it does drive me mad. Our winters have traditionally been a mixture of cold, mild, wet and dry but some posters seem to think that if an ice age and snowmaggedon isn't showing then somehow its the end of the world. There is nothing you can do about the weather so just except what you are given. I'm all for reasoned discussion but at the moment there is very little in the model thread.
  6. My guess of 6.7c wasn't too shoddy for a CET guessing virgin
  7. From a personal perspective I would like a week or 2 of cold dry weather with some good frosts, just so the ground has a good chance to dry out. We have had so much rain here this year and loads again overnight into this morning. The fields are saturated, the roads flooded and we haven't been able to harvest the fodder beet because the ground is so wet. Some good hard frosts for a few weeks and then the snow can come.
  8. Would definitely take you up on the offer Jethro if we get a decent snowfall. Will have to start coming up with some ideas...........
  9. No hat or scarf needed at the moment but I think waterproofs and a canoe would be more appropriate today.
  10. I've learnt not to take any notice of scientists predictions of doom. Don't forget it wasn't many years ago that we were told snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event". "Children just aren't going to know what snow is,"
  11. That reminds me of a time in my childhood, early 80's, 81/82? I went for a long walk in the snow with my Mum and brother. We were walking along a track towards the village we lived in when we realised that we had veered off of the track and were walking across the field. We had actually walked over the top of the hedge.
  12. The trouble is the general public believe it. I'm always getting people come up to me asking if the newspaper headline of big freezes or whatever are true. There was one the other week and I answered that it looked like we were in for a cold snap but certainly no big freeze. It was cold here and we had a random snowfall but that was it.
  13. Glad to hear he is coming back, loved his enthusiasm. Was gutted when Tomas and Rob McElwee left. Not only should the presenters be knowledgeable but also have some sort of personality imo.
  14. Put conkers in the corner of rooms to keep away big spiders. It does seem to work but don't know how. Still get little spiders.
  15. Pickle the farm cat isn't looking particularly fluffy at the moment but i shall report to you all straight away if she fluffs up! 2010 she looked hilarious, a round fluffball on legs.
  16. I read this thread before I went to bed last night and ended up dreaming about mole hills.
  17. I think the MetO's probability forecasting will have to get a few seasons right before I have any confidence in them after their spring forecast. http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/media/pdf/p/i/A3-layout-precip-AMJ.pdf Not saying they are wrong but it will take a while before I’m convinced.
  18. The mention of squirrels bushy tails reminded me of something i did noticed before the winter of 2010. We have a friendly little farm cat that we feed and I noticed 2 years ago how she was so much fluffier than normal. She wasn't particularly fluffy last winter. I shall keep an eye out on her fluffiness and shall give my winter forecast accordingly
  19. So wet summers with the odd dry summer and mild winters with the odd cold one.........sounds a bit like typical British weather. reminds me of the 'snow is a thing of the past, children won't know what it is' article a few years ago just before we had a run of cold and snowy winters.
  20. If the cat turned her tail to the fire, we were to have a hard frost. Many Haws, cold toes Against the times of snow or hail, or boist'rous windy storms; she frisks about and wags her tail, And many tricks performs. (cat)
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