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Everything posted by gagerg

  1. Massive losses in area recently with sea ice concentration also dropping. http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/arctic.sea.ice.interactive.html
  2. Extent wise the Arctic ice is doing very poorly with what seems to be a steady downward progression http://www.ijis.iarc.uaf.edu/en/home/seaice_extent.htm
  3. This makes it sound so much like the ice is capable of a complete melt out, even during the winter.
  4. While one would be all for the job creation and reduction of gas prices, the situation with climate change at the moment would make one move towards different methods of producing energy which does not add to the warming of the planet, but then again I am saying this before the study on the gas itself is published.
  5. We seem to be back in business with regards area growth
  6. 2012 global sea ice appears to be doing better than 2010 at least.
  7. With the PETM carbon cycle topped on top of the amount of carbon in the atmosphere as a result of human activities, would that not turn earth into another Venus?
  8. It is specifically for this reason why I feel that it may be over for the Arctic ice, that it is not likely to last the next summer. Also where one fails another triumphs
  9. Whatever about the drop in extent, the Sea Ice Area appears to be doing well according to Cryosphere Today. http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/arctic.sea.ice.interactive.html
  10. I'd blame the high SSTs in the area of the big crack that has just formed. Not only that, but there is an area of high temperatures that are cutting into the eastern part of Greenland. I do hope that the melting stops for it would increase the chances of having well blow average volume in March.
  11. A nightmare situation is unfolding with the ice thickness. This ice is not going to last long in summer and with the recent losses I predict the whole thing could melt come April
  12. I guess we may also forget about the whole earth seeing as we are already going to be cooked and since humanity can't do a thing to stop these changes from taking place, I guess the one thing it can do is to find a way to avoid the horrible death to come, should it draw dangerously near
  13. Shale gas developments, methane hydrate release, methane released from permafrost and CO2. Sounds almost like a Venus syndrome scenario here and that we may as well give up.
  14. It wouldn't be too surprising if it was too late to get greenhouse gasses under control, but if it did come to that, then its ultimately a death row scenario as people would wonder when the actual consequences would rear their ugly heads
  15. At least on the bright side the ice is improving area and extent wise now. I wonder what would happen if the above scenario played out.
  16. I wonder if everything could go to hell with regards the Arctic methane either this summer or some time in 2014.
  17. At least with global cooling there is little to fear from runaway warming...
  18. Oddly enough the DMI also shows the drop, but it also shows the extent rising, but this could be the DMI just falling behind.
  19. With the world as it is 1% loss of that reserve is the final nail on the coffin sending humanity straight to extinction.
  20. If its any consolation Sea Ice Area has finally caught up with 2009, or if not is very close to doing so. http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/arctic.sea.ice.interactive.html
  21. DMI graph shows the Arctic extent coming close to the previous minimums again. I understand the increase in extent does not matter with regards the area problem we are having, but it is nice to see an improvement at the very least.
  22. Its hard to imagine what might happen to the Arctic in a few months time for it may improve or it may get much worse. I just hope that being hopeful for the Arctic recovering or at least surviving this summer is not like hitting my head against a brick wall
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