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Everything posted by alexisj9

  1. I've planted my new sunburst out now, well sometimes last week, and it's doing well now, or at least better than when I had it indoors, so I expect the SSW will actually do what thead thread wants this time, and brings the cold and snow to kill it off. Normally hardy, but when first settling prefers no frost etc.
  2. That's not a good question to ask me, got a head full of music, rather than weather.
  3. Dami if you haven't found it dead, it's probably just moved, st this time of year, we'll spring anyway, they are looking for homes, or perhaps just popping out for a quick feed, then going back into there winter spot if a solitary type. My bumbles haven't popped out yet.
  4. In my dreams as that would help me get a bit more of the garden done than last year
  5. Think I heard a distant rumble yesterday, on my way home, a shower missed to my west, the one that went over me before that was just rain.
  6. snowrye yeah dont want the ssw happening late, which it now looks like might happen, and ruining spring again, last year was ridiculous down here till june. Just a mostly east wind with a rainy nw wind in-between, oh which then came back in July re rainy nw wind. Might have been the strong double dip which effected the atmosphere for so long perhaps.
  7. Neilsouth I thought she was talking about next weekend when she was worried about snow, but it was today and tomorrow, don't think there was ever a chance of snow, don't know what she saw where, but I hope she realises they are a nonsense, and doesn't watch it again.
  8. Neilsouth wasn't as wrong as the forecast that worried my friend, she probably saw it on line somewhere, cause I don't think even GB news forecast snow for today up north last week. Although as I don't watch I don't know, they may have . She has gone at least so no harm done really, but she is a worrier unfortunately.
  9. lassie23 I don't, know but far the met 10 day, does not agree with GB news, and none of the models show anything like a wintery forecast away from north Scotland, but I guess we'll see. Just wish GB news didn't spook my friend re a trip to Stoke on Trent, she's still going, but is taking extras with her in case. Always good to do anyway, to be fair. Coach might brake down, who knows.
  10. Kirkcaldy Weather I'm not actually having a go at the forecasting method, just really explaining why i don't use it. What seen in advance eventshows in normal charts, regardless, however if something counter acts a singnal seen in advance, and expected co ditions don't show up, basically i avoid the nasty comments a lot of others get. What seems to not be understood is a long term forecast, is just that, and will not be 100% ever. So why people get annoyed when this does happen because of something else, I'll never understand.
  11. Met4Cast to me it's simple, I don't chase probable triggers, I just watch what is there and what evolves. No disappointment then if a ssw happens or doesn't, or on what the out come of one actually is, whether good or bad. I remember point out last year we didn't need a SSW, and it would change the atmosphere if it happened, and boy did it just, lol. Haven't paid attention this year, but sounds like from your post, sames happened again.
  12. TROY sounds like tomorrow is when I pkant my plant, and some bulbs, plus try out my new mini chain saw on the mulberry tree, unfortunately male, in my garden. Has got to thick for lopers, well someone strong could probably still do it, but not me lol
  13. In Absence of True Seasons i feel you underestimate the intelligence of most or perhaps all animals/organisms. Even dogs if left to roam free, would survive in packs, and act sort of like hyinas/jackles/wolves. They all have the skills they need to survive, that infers intelligence. What do dolphins do that's destructive, I've missed something somewhere. All living things have the intelligence to do what they do. Scuba steve perhaps lol, it very unlikely to look anything like the enterprise if we do.
  14. Methuselah my understanding is the other way around. For those who believe in such things
  15. I've a sunburst rodadendrem, or however you spell it to plant, I've been holding fire as it says wait till after last frost, well I think I'm just gonna plant it next dry day, now, as it's just not happy indoors. I bet the cold charts then flood back lol.
  16. Tom Quintavalle hmm, you could be right, we did have some minor fogs in October, and got a little snow in December.
  17. Tom Quintavalle yeah thanks to him, a friend of mine in nervous about going on holiday. around the midlands.
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