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Everything posted by SNOWYLAD

  1. Have to say next weeks cold spell is now looking like a complete bore for this region. Cold, cloudy, maybe a few snow grains and not even any frost! Roll on Spring.
  2. Downgrade from Ian F......60% chance now reduced to 40% on latest data. flip. flip, flip. flip.
  3. Excellent summary as always, with the extra SW focus makes it even more useful.
  4. Quite surprised no rain warnings have been issued for the South West really. Quite a few fields and roads were starting to fill up yesterday evening, and plenty more on the way today. Maybe Met Office to obsessed with snow to notice!
  5. Sorry what? The more houses we build the less rain and snow we get?
  6. Lack of realism caused by the media, please remember only 24 hours ago the Met Office issued blanket snow warnings, as soon they issue these every agency, press agency and general public are aware, why issue 72 - 96 hours before when there was so much evidence that they didn't really know!
  7. But hopes were high because people like Ian F were making remarks about possible snow since Tuesday.
  8. Yes roll on spring. I love snow, but we have had our 2 events for the winter here, that's enough for me!
  9. It's too mild, the low isn't coming up against cold, it relies on sucking cold air from Europe, which isn't that cold either. All this spells rain folks, let move onto the next cold spell in a few weeks.
  10. The fields close to Dorchester looked flooded yesterday, so can imagine what its like today after the overnight rain!
  11. Just measured 8cm in back garden, this is fresh today as previous snow had melted yesterday.
  12. Crazy snow here in South Somerset had about 2-3 inches in just under 2 hours, caused gridlock on the local roads and still falling.
  13. So in summary by tomorrow evening we can expect first snow in some places, more snow in other places, or some nice rain to turn everything into an Ice Rink! I think there is something for everyone tomorrow!
  14. So is that the accumulations from now to Tuesday or total upto Tuesday including the current snow on ground? Thanks.
  15. Models seem to be suggesting a gradual (slow) warm up by the middle of next week, and with 5 or 6 degrees in Devon & Cornwall by Monday this weekend may be the last of the cold.
  16. Looks like you guys are going to get a good dumping of the white stuff on Sunday! Have fun and stay safe.
  17. Good Morning, Latest BBC forecast at 6.45am is suggesting that the next few days will be mostly cloudy and cold for our region, though temperatures gradually rising in the South West tip. They made very little of the snow on Sunday for this region, maybe edge of Hampshire getting some flurries. Monday's low seemed to missing the country completely. So ice and existing snow will continue to cause us problems, but no reason to believe any more snow in the next 48 hours.
  18. Well today was fun while it lasted, now left with a horrible slushy, sludgy mess that is just waiting to freeze overnight. The problem here in South Somerset was that the temperatures were never particularly cold in the days before and a good dose of rain before the snow meant it was never going to stay and temperature have hit nearly 3 degrees here this afternoon with that familiar drip, drip, drip sound. Sunday's snow looks too far East to affect anybody west of Hampshire and with temperatures slightly rising on Monday this has not been a great snow event, 2009 & 2010 were far better.
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