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Everything posted by NUT

  1. And out of all those maybe 20 odd thousand lightning strikes this week..........we've had a grand total of 1 Still been a incredible week really
  2. What the hell has happened! I go away for a couple of hours and strikes have went mental down south!
  3. I looking towards Monaco (strange I know) that's where the grand prix is happening this weekend and there seems to be a lot of lightning around that area.................
  4. I would have loved to have been back in devon on holiday right now to see that rain lashing against the caravan. Looks absolutely intense down there right now
  5. Looks a nice big cloud but the lightning seems to have ceased. Still the rain might be heavy for a while
  6. Will that stay active that's to the south of us here just now? It's going to be close!
  7. That little band in the extreme north of england looks isolated but perhaps our best chance (could be a rare night show if it keeps it's oomph)
  8. Sun's eventually trying to break through a bit now. Wonder if that will add any oomph to the atmosphere
  9. Yesterday at this time here it was already sunny, warm and breezy today...........the sun's gone and if anything it breezier than yesterday (what that means for later who knows yet)
  10. Don't think I seen so many lightning strikes over scotland in such a long time lordy
  11. That band in the SW moving in a north west direction. It won't hit is (well unlikely to) Reminds me of a day very similair to July 2009 (2nd I think) Clusters of storms blew to the west. (Was hot as hell here) You could see the huge clouds but over us actually stayed sunny virtually all day if I remember
  12. Short sharp intense thundery shower here. But won't last long
  13. Might be wrong but looks like the hills are killing the showers as they approach us
  14. The hills here seemingly killing the showers a bit as they come to us
  15. Raining but sun's out seems to have got really warm again humidity unreal
  16. Showers up here are getting closer but still none of them electrified. Lucky buggers in wales though
  17. My eyes are focused on SW Scotland as there's something in the area (although not electrified yet)
  18. Felt it quite cool earlier but all of a sudden it seems to have turned really humid
  19. There seems to be something over south east scotland (although not electrified)
  20. Not wall to wall sun but we have a bit at least
  21. And here it's still cloudy can see some blue sky towards the far east
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