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Everything posted by NUT

  1. Still drizzly and mild at the moment. That will change when this goes through
  2. Exciting times to come on the old weather then? Grey and drizzly here bit breezy but MILD! (tomorrow looks even milder) Not gonna last though...............
  3. As nice (and as warm)! as yesterday was.........Today isn't. Grey and a little drizzly (and grey might be the story of the week)
  4. Raining (again) and not very warm either what a miserable week it's been
  5. Well what do we have here! It looks like that strange orange globe called the Sun is trying to make a appearance! After all the rain shocker!
  6. Rain has eased a bit but that was very heavy for a few hours. Plenty of puddles. Be surprised if there wasn't some flooding. I know roads are completely awash
  7. Cold front did exactly as it says on the tin. From being as ridiculously mild as it has been.........to a frost
  8. Ireland started to kick off there it looks like so who knows Still grey here but ridiculously mild
  9. True definition of a autumn day to say the least. Misty drizzly not that warm either although not too cold
  10. Had been dry and cloudy all day but the rain has set in (getting used to finding the scottish thread group whatever you call it now)
  11. After being dull and grey for 2 days as it gets dark yep you guessed it skies are clear (as you do) hopefully tomorrow brighter
  12. Just what I was thinking it's went from Autumn cold to Summer warmth with a flick of a switch. Least the rain's stopped but more is on the way
  13. Started dry but had some heavy showers today not lasting too long though. Might just avoid the real deluge this weekend but will be getting some rain
  14. Had 1 or 2 showers here today (one of them was heavy) a brief lull at the moment before the next weather maker rolls in. Doesn't look great for next few days
  15. Chilly night last night finally shut the windows which have been open since May more or less. Crackerjack of a day tho albeit chilly
  16. Probably had more rain from this band than we've had most of the entire summer still raining a bit too then got the showers to come
  17. At long long long last it's wet! Only been waiting since start of August Finally autumn has set in
  18. Had been dry but got a fairly heavy shower coming through now (it's warm rain though)
  19. That rain didn't half pour last night all cleared now definety a bit cooler than it has been
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