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Everything posted by pureasthedriven

  1. That right there is why people who love snow obsess about snow. Rare, beautiful and peaceful. Stunning.
  2. Yes to this. Like Jamie Oliver would say about one of his (yet again ‘best ever’) roast spuds - quite the spread.
  3. Not sure what you’ve had by way of snow - not much I guess, I got very lucky down here Sunday and the snow has barely moved all week. And that was after a really cold few days prior to that. Really significant and increasingly rare ‘proper’ cold spell. Which, staying just in topic, was modelled to break down days ago. Yes, I appreciate the set-up was different.
  4. I dislike this run too but why is it suddenly the resolved solution? No more than it was settled for cold at 96. I’d be no less surprised to see overnight shifts back to cold. Appreciate that the general consensus in the more reliable is concerning but these are clearly super unusual macro synoptics. I’ve not quite given up in Christmas yet…
  5. That ain’t mild. It’s not frigid either but that’s a generous interpretation of mild, especially further north you go. That chart to me screams fork in the road. Could go very cold from there pretty quickly. The euro heights only become a scupperer without insufficient forcing from the north - which is clearly not resolved for this period at the current time. Chicken and egg and all that.
  6. Coldest day yet of this very impressive and super nostalgic December cold spell. Mild blip coming up or no, this doesn’t happen very often.
  7. 7 level cm in about two hours tops. Very nostalgic. Not a breath of wind either. Got very lucky.
  8. That’s a fifteen minute drive for me, amazing local differences. Brother in law in crowborough and basically stuck. That’s 30 mins. It’s pepped up here in the last 10 but it’s a picturesque dusting, no more.
  9. Steve - gorgeous. Given that you cannot be that far from me, given your location description, whereabouts are you?
  10. A desperate attempt at snow here. I mean, it is just about snowing but radar returns look clear - east of this fictional Gatwick meridian and game on. West of it, game won’t even start. As per the 3pm Met warning update. All hail the nowcast.
  11. Light graupel shower in Sutton now as it happens. Nothing material but in respect of modelling … not modelled.
  12. 10/10 for hedge betting from the MetO there. Falls into the ‘we might get wet but we might not’ category. As for that low, obviously they have all the data but surprised to see them so bullish about such a narrow geographical area for a system that’s clearly causing so much uncertainty in the modelling.
  13. Yes, fair point. Perhaps I should’ve specified an Azores high in situ rather than a retrograding number into Scandi. Didn’t ‘87 do something akin to that?
  14. Tell you what, regardless of all these inter-run shenanigans, give me an Azores low over an Azores high any day.
  15. In line with current MetO long ranger. Not that they’re both necessarily right, of course.
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