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Everything posted by Skullzrulerz

  1. Looked at wikipedia at the storm had a 1 min wind gust of 235 mph...poor people
  2. If it weakened which looks like it will not happen it will still be a monster.Have they done anything for the storm yet?
  3. And why is that? Guess (He does weird forecast omg 1000+Year cold winter)???
  4. Looks like James madden forecast is going well so far for cooling down.
  5. Is it rare or you have never seen it before? Edit:Ice age Maybe???
  6. Bonfire Night's all white! Snow falls in Northern hills with temperatures dipping to freezing point http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2487760/UK-weather-Bonfire-Nights-white-Snow-falls-Northern-hills-temperatures-dipping-freezing-point.html Did it now???
  7. You guys may see snowfall tomorrow at 9:00am Then more snow possible Have a nice day snow!
  8. Parts of southern New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory endured their coldest November night in over forty years, with the region set to chill again tonight. http://www.weatherzone.com.au/news/chilly-november-nights-for-southern-nsw-and-act/25808 Solar activity is now falling more rapidly than at any time in the last 10,000 years (Ice Age Risk) http://www.thegwpf.org/lawrence-solomon-global-cooling-consensus/
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