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Posts posted by irishlad69

  1. I'm sure solar variability can have an effect of volcanic/tectonic activity, but claiming that changes in the last week is responsible for a single eruption is pushing it a little. In a similar way, we can't say yesterdays storm was caused by the sun, climate change, the AMO or any other individual thing, as there's just too many factors involved! It's only by examining a broad spectrum of factors, can you begin to tease out the causes of such events.

    firstly i did not say in any way shape or form that the sun was responsible for the storm this week, I just made a point that it was coincidental that with the rise in sunspots and IF that had any link with Mount Etna erupting, although I can not prove any link, nor can you disprove it, or how long it would take sunspots to affect earth.

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  2. The weather isn't just controlled by sunspots there are many factors to consider. Posted Image

    although I agree with you that its not the only factor, I believe its one of the main factors in controlling our weather, also has anyone noticed since the sunspots have risen Mount Etna has erupted, surely IF the sun has an effect on volcanos it must have an effect on out very delicate weather system

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