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Posts posted by DELETED

  1. Weather forecasters on blast for 'dry winter' prediction


    WEATHER forecasters have been ridiculed for predicting the wettest winter on record would be “drier than usualâ€. Met Office experts said in November that Britain would see less rain than normal in the following few months. They even told council emergency planners there was just a 15% chance that the nation would break rainfall records over the winter. But it turned out to be the worst weather prediction since Michael Fish famously said in October 1987 that there was no hurricane on the way.


    This week it emerged that the past 90 days has seen the heaviest rainfall in over a century with 19.2in since December. And more is on the way, with forecasters warning of another band of rain due this weekend. Huge areas were hit by more than eight weeks of flooding with parts of the south-west still underwater and thousands left with nowhere to live.


    Tory MP Chris Heaton-Harris said: “The Met Office is very good at predicting weather it can see is coming, but beyond that, its track record is pitiful. Many government agencies and some government policies are dependent on Met Office predictions and so these mistakes potentially are costing us dearly.†And environmental planner Martin Parr added: “It was a load of poppycock. “I don’t know how they could have produced it and circulated it to emergency planners.



    Oh dear, i must say i have never trusted the met office to be overly good. Maybe the government will start using Netweather ;) haha

  2. Four weeks tomorrow, the meteorological spring begins. If I had a time machine I would bypass February completely.Absolutely detesting this winter, it has all been wet and virtually nothing else. Little frost, snow, dry days etc. Very mild days have even been pretty scarce as well.I understand people enjoying the lack of snow, cold and frosts but it beats me how any one can enjoy the rain element. I know certain members who enjoy this especially during the summer but IMO, their reasons for this are very weak and limp at best.

    I understand where your coming from. Theres no way people can say that this wind and rain has done less damage than the snow would've. so for the people who say snow is a nightmare and to disruptive, are talking nonsense because this wind and rain has caused large amounts of damages this winter and is very dangerous.

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    Did my first tea leaf reading today.. I think it went well... I saw a lovely hot Summer coming up, Sun ,Sea and sand... eyup whats this.. Oh sorry its Malaga.


    Come on you're having a laugh .... This is the UK your talking about!

    Already had a post about the crystal ball idea lol. Really talking seriously more interested in figures from past summers with similar winters.

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