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Posts posted by DELETED


    Quiet sun ??




    "This means that less UV radiation hits the stratosphere - the layer of air that sits high above the Earth. And this in turn feeds into the jet stream - the fast-flowing air current in the upper atmosphere that can drive the weather."




    "The era of solar inactivity in the 17th Century coincided with a period of bitterly cold winters in Europe."





    Any comments??


    Thats very interesting! thanks for he post.

  2. I know it has been mild thus far but I'm trying to stay positive. Remember 2011 to 2012? December and January were very mild months, but in late January to early February we suddenly got a cold plunge from Scandinavia. At the same time low-pressure off of the Atlantic bumped into the cold air on February 4-5 and gave us 10-25cm of snow in some places. So just because we are in mid-January doesn't mean it's all over because most of our snow and cold comes in February and even March and April in some years and plus, next week looks much cooler than this week.

    Cant agree more i hope people dont write it off. Theres still lots of time to turn this poor showing around.

  3. I would take the winter climate near the Arctic circle all year around, no spiders, no moths, no flies, no hot sweats, chest pains, shortness of breath, no dizziness, the only thing good about summer is when you are parched - a pint goes down beautifully, this will be my only post on this thread though as I cannot change those things so its pointless, all you can do is hope for weather to be favourable to your tastes in the seasons, the seasons are there and that's that!!!

    Haha fair enough you seem to have listed enough pains for it to be a valid point! i also love the winter for this reason! just miss the barbecues!

  4. Ben,


    The warming is in the upper Stratosphere. If it does actually occur by the end of the month then the downwelling can take anything from a couple of days to a few weeks. So a date of around 10th February is my guess before colder weather arrives.


    That is of course if the warming verifies.

    Thanks for the clarification! When will we be able to know for sure ? thanks. im not trying to annoy you i swear.

  5. GEFS 06z continues the trend, now reaching max. -14 deg. with ensemble mean at 384h.


    Posted Image Posted Image


    And the control ramps it up to +11. Note that this is the bias corrected control run. I couldn't plot the bias-corrected ensemble mean above, because it is not available yet and I am late for work. Posted Image


    Posted Image Posted Image



    So the warming is still showing ?!

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