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Everything posted by Spikecollie

  1. Isn't political comment inherent to this discussion in that people need to comment on what individual national governments are doing, their own and others - from my days as a student, I believe it's called "comparative politics"...
  2. But people have already travelled, are travelling and will travel before any border closure - even if that was possible. It's too late and would be a gestural reaction, like most government initiatives are, Each country needs to now concentrate on managing the virus internally.
  3. Because of the principle of Freedom of Movement within Europe. As I just said, and edited because I forgot to post the link - yes, Schengen countries can reintroduce "border controls", but this has to be approved after a temporary time period. My point was that Freedom of Movement is something that I am very proud and very defensive of - for countries who have subscribed to it, it has to be protected and that is what the Schengen legislation is in place for. My other point was that people have already departed - arrived - departed - arrived, what use would border closures be when cases have already arisen in several EU countries. The only way this can be dealt with now is internally in each individual country. EDIT - and you can get reciprocal healthcare no matter where you fall ill. You were not rude, by the way!
  4. When you look at the Schengen legislation, it's actually quite specific - you can have "border controls" reintroduced between Schengen countries as things like terrorist threats might warrant this. In the case of COVID-19, you could probably stop people to take their temperature or ask where they had been, then potentially deny entry to someone who fits the criterion of threat. There is no closing of borders, it's just not a possibility. Sorry, forgot the link - Temporary Reintroduction of Border Control EC.EUROPA.EU Temporary Reintroduction of Border Control
  5. To close a border within the Schengen area is an EU decision and they have said no. Countries within Schengen can't do it unilaterally (thankfully). It seems, from what I have read so far, that border closures are not effective and may encourage people to use less legitimate routes of entry. Anyway, infected people are probably here (wherever here is for you - I'm in France, like Nick) already, so it's kind of "horse has bolted stuff".
  6. "This ain't no quarantined hotel, this is the road to hell" - sorry, you just made me think of the Chris Rea song from years ago and I'm a bit of a lyric adapter...
  7. I was just about to say the same thing. Also, how can they be absolutely sure that 14 days will do the job? Will kids really stay indoors if their parents are out working? There is a real danger of mass hysteria leading to uncontrolled behaviours, social unrest and more danger than the virus itself presents. Yes, it's worrying but Gray Wolf was right earlier today. We're all going to do damage to our immune systems from stress and anxiety about this. I'm just going to keep running, walking and playing with my dog to keep healthy, in between work and if things do evolve to a stage where there is something to really worry about, I've already decided that we'll just hide away. The government speculation about shutting down parts of the transport system is the most scary for me. My OH is due back from the UK at the end of March but with members of his family ill, I may have the need to travel at any time. It constitutes a crazy response or suggestion. What did touch a bit today was thinking about how vulnerable and often alone, some of the people I work with are. One old man who lives alone, tubed to his oxygen tanks, is following the story very closely and had misread a newspaper article. He thought that the virus had arrived in this area but when we went through the article together I was able to reassure him that the article was about emergency preparations. Some of this is just not fair on people...
  8. It's also personally relative too, which makes things even more complicated! I respect your choices, even though they might not be mine. That's what we lack in the world!
  9. Eating is very culturally relative. Pigs have been compared in intelligence to dogs and I see all living things as sentient, which is why I respect my animal based food and take care to look at where it comes from. I would prefer to kill my own but at the moment this is not always practical. I had a near meltdown at a work banquet in in China when faced with sea-slug/cucumber and had to say no because the thought repulsed me, because my culture doesn't eat it. Many Chinese people (and those from other culture) dislike what and how we eat and the thought repulsed me. That's not including religious preferences...
  10. Not a red meat eater so I agree. I have visited an abattoir in Ireland and believe me, you might change your eating habits if you did. The Chinese have different cultural eating habits which we cannot condemn as ours are not by any means brilliant. I wish we could all go back to keeping and slaughtering our own animals - my father taught me how to prepare rabbits and I've done it on many dog caught ones. Kind of like growing your own fruit and veg., you know what goes in (within reason, because rain is not "organic").
  11. OH told me just now that they had quite a bit of lying snow this morning and a few abandoned cars outside the house at 0700! Glad he got snow...
  12. This is becoming like one of my nightmares - loads of articles from vets now mentioning companion animals. I would simply shut myself away and wait it out if there was a real and present threat here to Mylo and I. We've enough of a garden to get exercise in. I would never knowingly let anything hurt my beloved, innocent lad and that includes his Mummy Bear getting too sick to look after him. COVID-19 and potential animal hosts | Worms & Germs Blog WWW.WORMSANDGERMSBLOG.COM Viruses need to attach to cells to infect them, and they do this by binding to specific receptors on the cell. If a virus can’t attach, it can’t infect.
  13. There's nothing hypochondriac about post-viral syndromes. I was ill for five weeks back in 2011 after 'flu - a cough that wouldn't go, sleeplessness, fatigue.
  14. I've loads of frozen stuff, including our own produce from last year and I'm mainly veggie anyway. The kitchen cupboard has a good supply of pasta and lentils etc. I probably mentioned that I have been having problems sleeping. Well I got about 6 continuous hours last night which was nothing short of blissful but was terminated by a nightmare centred around COVID-19 - every form of transport had shut down, no petrol/diesel and then the electricity went off and my freezer was leaking gunky water onto the floor. I turned the tap on in the sink to start mopping up - nothing. Yes, just a nightmare but where does your brain get this stuff from that can leave you unsettled for hours after? It won't, can't, couldn't happen - could it?
  15. Good! I'm open about faeces, given my job! Always have been, though - our body is what it is and we need to love it - all of it... People are too reserved and hence the bowel cancer rates.
  16. Isn't that the willy - remember the old advert " do the shake and vac and put..." "do the rinse and shake and make the bugs awake..."
  17. Yes, we need to be more open about "crap". We all crap and crap contains your own personal micro-biome. Keep it to yourself. It's amazing but personal!
  18. Right "Fridge Magnet" it is! Gets around the political correctness "merde" for a while, too. All politicians from all parties are the same - I tried being a community Councillor for 8 years and then the BNP arrived and I didn't stand again. Love...
  19. Goes without saying. Wash your hands after going. Hope you always have, always do and always will.
  20. Bozo can't show up to flood devasted communities. Has he got a mask?
  21. This worries me. Not the susceptibility factor - but the racism.
  22. Maybe folks will finally be motivated to wash their hands after using the bog... The number of males (especially) but females (not exempt) who creep (crap) in and out without is phenomenal. Just by admission - we don't do workplace surveiillance here - it's illegal and long may it be so.
  23. Don't stress! Go to the doctor and get checked out. Probably, as they say, "non specific". Means can't be arsed to go further and you're a healthy bunny so go forth!!! I'm going forth, slowly!!!
  24. OH was out doing a planning survey on Harden Moor and reports getting soaked this afternoon, feeling hail and hearing thunder.
  25. I too am looking forward to eveings that are long enough to fit in a nice long run in the hills...'tis coming.
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