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Everything posted by markyo

  1. Conversely those who need to don't want to have to cool their homes in Spring with aircon. That is even more expensive!
  2. Fully agree, we seem to be roughly on the same tolerance level. I do need a bedroom though under 18/19c, that is a red line, hence the aircon usage. I work in dental and hospital decontamination rooms, they use steam sterilisers, its not a linear increase due to the very high humidity and any ambient temp increase has a big effect on the room temp. As you said, takes time to adjust.
  3. Really hate the first warm spell, so much tougher at work, temps in rooms easily 10 to 15c warmer. Need the time to acclimatise, thankfully this is short lived and temps will more than halve in a few days. It has to come the warmth, just getting used to how uncomfortable it is takes time. The longer those really vile high temps stay at bay the better. Worst thing is 6 to 7 months of possible sleepless nights is on the horizon, role on Autumn!
  4. Must admit that sounds pretty nice your climate, a nice on shore breeze, good air quality i bet, makes all the difference..very envious! For me anything over 25c is hot and needs a breeze to be anywhere near comfortable, your area seems perfect! Spring in fact can provide these conditions especially in May.
  5. I suppose its what you define as cold, i suspect your cold is vastly different to mine. As your view of hot would be totally different also
  6. Well we've had 2 Pandemic Winters ruined by warmth, time we had some cold weather
  7. Really looking forward to next weeks cold spell, proper crisp mornings are fantastic. Plenty of time in the the next 6 months for warmth and heat(misery), after this appalling non-winter any cold is very welcome!!
  8. Utterly fantastic Spring day, superb clear skies, lovely breeze, not to warm and not to cold. This is as good as it gets. I'd take this for next month or so easily!
  9. Not bad at all today, lovely clear crisp sky, temp perfect, any warmer and it would spoil it. First time i've seen so many not draped in coats and hats, but still some are! Certainly shorts and t shirt weather no doubt, but that's not really saying much coming from me as i never wear anything else. One does get odd looks digging the car out in snow with shorts on i must say though
  10. Mine i like to try and keep about 12c to 13c, find that best for sleeping. Anything above 18c i find very uncomfortable and very hard to sleep in.
  11. yes, why? 15c is really max for me for a comfortable bedroom
  12. Got home to a bedroom at 15c....oh well here it starts, windows open tonight, fans and on higher...6 months at least of this now sadly
  13. i admit 2006 was awful, seem to remember it was longer the suffering that time but not quite as bad as i aircon by then.
  14. True, 2007 was perfect for me, not for most i know. One of the best recently was 2018, the heat without humidity was fine, unlike 2003.
  15. My overriding memory of 2003 was the Summer months. Total misery, sweating, no sleep, so uncomfortable it was unbearable at night. Certainly one of the worst summers I've lived through.
  16. Log burner!.....heaven. Used to have one years ago, still miss it, best form of heat going.
  17. Suspect half of that cost is to keep the pilot light lit!
  18. Just had my annual review through also, shocking increase, my gas bill(heating only) has gone up to £18.65 a month for the next 12 months!!
  19. Thankfully March is looking good at this range, no unseasonable heat, just a normal mixture, lets hope April follows suit. The longer the vile heat is kept at bay the better.
  20. After such a dire winter at least there is no sign of any warm spells thankfully, hopefully mother nature will supply a lovely cool spring!
  21. I get your point, the lack of heating has been a benefit for those who feel the cold. But that view transfers to summer months for the likes of myself who are dreading a hot summer, the cost of the aircon usage will be crippling. Some of us can't cope without it like folk like yourself require heating on in Winter months.
  22. A good Winter?....isn't that a personal view not fact? By far the worst Winter in a decade. Nothing for those who enjoy the season at all, nothing.
  23. A weekend of actual weather! Makes a very welcome change. The only positive about this winter is energy bills won't be as high as they could have been for many. There has literally not been a cold day so far, winter cold. Just praying this summer is void of long hot spells, the cost for air con will be crazy. A college has just had his usage estimate for the next 12 months...£4.5kjust on the electric. Like me he relies on home aircon to cope. But he does run his year round i admit.
  24. I remember it very well, laid my mum to rest that winter in early March 2014, spent the 3 months up to that traveling over the Pennies to see her, Snake pass, Winnats Pass, any way over no snow was laying at any time....water yes! Worst winter i've seen. MetO's LRF looks fairly accurate to be honest.
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