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Bob G

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Everything posted by Bob G

  1. Following on from a post in Model Output yesterday about the price of soup, I checked at our local Tesco's yesterday and Heinz soup is definately down to 50p/tin. There were 3 people in the soup aisle yesterday lunchtime. Today the soup is still 50p/tin and there were 8 people in the soup aisle. Based on this information (using my handy Daily Express Snowmageddon/Doomsday Calculator) we must be in for the harshest wintry spell in at least living memory or this winter. I will keep on collecting data and start building a computer model showing the SPI (Soup Price Index) and I hope the results can be included in the model outputs forum.
  2. Happy to help on Windoze 7 & 10, Android and Linux
  3. I was just thinking along the same lines - if things have changed for the worse over the last 18 hours or so, what is to say that they won't change back over the next 18 hours or so? These are only computer simulations in the real world the weather will do what it wants to anyway. Come on, collective chins up
  4. Not a live feed, you have to refresh it but... http://www.thruway.ny.gov/travelers/map/text/twytextcameras.cgi?region=NYI87S
  5. I'm pretty new at this model stuff, but if I understand it right, the stratosphere is not as dense as the troposphere so it is easier to model, something at T360 in the strat is about the same as something at T180 in the trop. So, this is right on the edge of possibilities and if the models are still showing it in a couple of days time we could be onto something . Please forgive and correct me if I'm wrong
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