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Posts posted by RJBingham

  1.  raz.org.rain Ballarat, a city with a population of around 120000, gets snow most years, Canberra, the capital of Australia sometimes gets snow.

    only about 20% of new build houses are double glazed, crazy.


    We Ballaratians have always copped our fair share of banter from outsiders when it comes to the weather, and sometimes we may even be guilty of a little complaining about it ourselves! Relative to the rest of...


  2.  East Lancs Rain

    7 hours ago, East Lancs Rain said:

    Their houses are built to stay cool which is the reason why, which is sensible considering it’s warm/hot for most of the year down there, however I would’ve thought Aussies would invest in portable radiators/fan heaters to stay warm during those rare “cold” days in the winter, just like many Brit’s have got fans/portable air conditioners ready for the 2 weeks of hot weather we get a year lol.

    No, they are not built to stay cool, they're built with little or no insulation, cold in the winter, stinking hot in the summer, I've spent 15 years in Victoria, and it gets plenty of cold days in the winter, some inland towns in Victoria and NSW get snow most winters, try spending a winter in Ballarat in a single brick house, makes me shiver just thinking about it. 

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