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Everything posted by SenlacJack

  1. This was right overhead and unbelievably I slept right through it. I can only assume it was elevated in nature and quiet in terms of thunder.
  2. In a complete reversal of recent days the day began clear and sunny here but descended into a cloudy mess around midday and produced a few useless but annoying spots of rain. This north easterly flow has been spoiling things for the far south eastern corner of the UK for a week now, here's hoping it improves for the weekend. Got a friend coming down and hope to go to the Eastbourne Sunshine Carnival on Saturday.
  3. Only one distant rumble of thunder heard here in St Leonards-on-Sea about 20 minutes ago, the skies looked so promising as well.
  4. Just heard the first rumble of thunder this year here in East Sussex, it's been unusually quiet so far this year.
  5. Good luck to all the folks west of my location. The skies looked quite promising here earlier this afternoon and I picked up a few sferics on my trusty old mw radio but alas, all in vain. Almost cloudless sky here now and currently 20.4c so can't complain.
  6. Just as I thought, the low cloud and muck coming off the North Sea took a little longer to clear here in East Sussex than in recent days so the clear blue skies didn't reach here until around 1-2pm. However, once they arrived the temperatures showed a decent improvement on recent days, and peaked at around 20c. Onwards and upwards
  7. Today has been a repeat of yesterday here in St Leonards-on-Sea. Mostly cloudy all morning, cloudless blue skies all afternoon and despite just a gentle southerly breeze, temperatures have failed to respond to the strong afternoon sunshine. It felt warmish in the sun, but 14.8c is rather disappointing here for this time of year with the sun seemingly so strong.
  8. Thanks for letting me post here so here are my thoughts on today from my neck of the woods. Quite a bit of cloud here in St Leonards-on-Sea this morning but by the afternoon a light southerly breeze pushed it further inland leading to a mostly sunny pm. Despite the sunshine the temperature only struggled up to a disappointing max of 14.3c. That said it felt pleasant enough to sit outside for a couple of hours.
  9. Thank you for the welcome, I hope it's ok to keep posting here despite being an 'outsider' ?!
  10. Good evening to my neighbours in the next door region. I'm posting here because i'm done with the thread that covers my region It's been a cracking good day here with plenty of sunshine and temperatures around 23c. I've managed to get a fair bit done in the garden and currently sitting outside enjoying a beer and the evening warmth. Long may it last.
  11. Your'e welcome SB. I find that Weathercast website really useful for stats. This weekend turned out to be much better than forecast here, although we really could do with some more rainfall for the gardens.
  12. According to Weathercast....9.2mm for Heathrow. http://www.weathercast.co.uk/world-weather/weather-stations/obsid/3772.htm. It ended up being better than I expected down here on the coast for much of the day, the heavier rain not arriving until around 4pm and even then not amounting to much. Just 9mm at Herstmonceux
  13. My first day of duty as a member of the volunteer team of 6 who now run Hastings Borough Councils official weather observations, reporting to the Met Office ( on the WOW website ** ), the local press ( Hastings Observer) and the general public ( Kiosk on the seafront ). I couldn't have picked a better day to start my week long shift. Wall to wall sunshine and currently around 24c here. The town is absolutely heaving. Jack in the Green fesitivities in full swing and over 10,000 bikers here for the 1066 May Day Bike Run. ** My first ever report here: http://wow.metoffice...ite_id=26991458
  14. What a fantastic day, wall to wall sunshine and just a light breeze. Nearby Herstmonceux seems to have peaked at 25.4c which is superb for an early May Bank Holiday weekend.
  15. It's been a fantastic late Spring day here in St Leonards-on-Sea. Perfect weather for the Hastings Jack in The Green Festival and May Bank Holiday Weekend. 13 hours of unbroken sunshine, a light breeze and 21.6c.
  16. Well it's been another rather poor day here in the Hastings area. 7 straight hours of rainfall accompanied by winds gusting in the region of 40mph and the temperature hovering between 9-10c for most of the day.
  17. Thankfully it remained sunny all day here right on the coast but the cloud build up was clear to see just 3 or 4 miles inland. A stiff breeze has helped to dry the grass here following yesterdays deluge and although it felt reasonable out of the wind, a max of 11.9c will hopefully be improved upon as the week progresses.
  18. It's been an absolutely vile day here in St Leonards-on-Sea. Temperatures hovering between 4-5c for most of the day, northerly winds gusting over 40mph at times and non stop rain from 23.00 hours last night until 18.00 hours this evening. Total rainfall locally 34.8mm so far.
  19. It's been another cracking good day here in St Leonards-on-Sea with cloudless skies, a light breeze and circa 23c recorded in the area. Instead of heading to the beach this afternoon I opted instead to do some much needed garden tidying work, ahead of tonights possible rain and hopefully, thunderstorms. Looking quite lively on Lightningmaps.org.
  20. Currently a very pleasant 20.1c here in St Leonards-on-Sea at 19:30 bst. Down at the beach earlier this afternoon it felt even warmer than yesterday and interesting to note that nearby Herstmonceux recorded 22.4c yesterday and 25.1c today.
  21. It was a cracking good day indeed LL and as you say, lot's of folk out and about enjoying this warm sunshine. I recorded a very decent 20.4c down at Rock-a-Nore this afternoon.
  22. It was a cracking good day indeed LL and as you say, lot's of folk out and about enjoying this warm sunshine. I recorded a very decent 20.4c down at Rock-a-Nore this afternoon.
  23. After a nightmare journey to an 8am hospital appointment in Sidcup where the last 1 mile took exactly 1 hour to complete, it was a massive relief to finally get back to the warm afternoon sunshine here in Hasting/St Leonards-on-Sea. Almost 7.5 hours of sunshine and a max of 17.9c recorded locally
  24. Once the cloud cleared late morning here in St Leonards-on-Sea it was a day of clear blue skies and warmish sunshine, temperatures around 14c with a light to moderate breeze. Looking fair for the rest of the week.
  25. I wish I lived a bit further west so I could come and post in this thread. You seem a lot more sensible than one or two of the folk who post in the thread that covers my region :-)
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