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Kathryn Atkin

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Everything posted by Kathryn Atkin

  1. Still snowing here alternates heavy to lighter but still coming
  2. Nothing moving here on my street but I’m guessing the main roads are ok. It’s very pretty we get occasional snow showers Always the same our street and surrounding streets remain snowed in because so cats can’t shift. Working from home rather than risking trekking through it (injured leg).
  3. Sat here with a mardy Dobermann on my lap and she’s in her fleece coat because she can’t get warm either lol. Wait til she has to go out in it
  4. Nothing happening here since last light sprinkling but v cold. I can’t get warm in our house tonight
  5. it just SNOWED woop woop. OK it only lasted a few minutes ...oh hang on, it's back again...
  6. I'm still hopeful, I can feel a song coming on to shut out those I work with who mock the models, (c/o good old Peter Skellern) ; 'who's got the last laugh now?'
  7. looking out across Sheffield city centre now- the sun is sort of trying to shine through a weirdly grey and mucky white sky. We had a sudden mist about 10 minutes ago too.
  8. I'm getting scorn from work colleagues at the lack of an event so come on you white stuff, prove me right please! (I have told them its not just about the snow, which may or may not appear, its the bitter cold we've got to contend with as well)
  9. scurries off to look up 'graupel'.... theres' a definite feel in the air that SOMETHING is going to fall out of the sky here soon
  10. get well soon - I'm hobbling with a sprained ligament so if the other half's car can't get me to work tomorrow I don't care much for my chances hiking there (even getting the car off our street is a nightmare at the merest hint of snow). Let it come when I'm at home please, so I can appreciate the spectacle.
  11. Chilly here in Sheffield. We had the lightest sprinkling of fluffy dry snow at around 7:30am, not much and not enough to cover the ground but it was very pretty. I'm up on the 7th floor at work now and there is the very occasional (once in a long while) snowflake floating past the windows. Keep the faith, gang and remember to wrap up warm, carry a flask and a snow shovel; and a tub of Norwegian formula hand cream for those chapped fingers stock up on loaves and milk too. Oh I forgot, the mikman left us 3 pints this morning anyway. Good man.
  12. Great to read this just woke up and had to check online lol it's chilly here but no white stuff yet
  13. It’s sooooo addictive. Beats Facebook. And the ironing
  14. That’s a point back in 2010 us Sheffielders were watching the traffic cams (until Sheffield CC shut them off)
  15. It doesn’t take much snow to gridlock Sheffield either. And our road will be completely cut off very swiftly, even though two streets away continues as normal. It’s a dead end on a hill and the next road down is another steep hill so as soon as it snows that us on public trNsport again - or trudging through snow. Which reminds me, must dig out the yaktraxs...
  16. yay!!!! (except it might mean walking to work and I've just pulled a calf muscle, ouch). One teensy bit of snow on our (steep, dead end) road and nothing with 4 wheels moves for a fortnight.
  17. I suspect central is midlands including Derbyshire East Midlands. We always miss out
  18. It snowed in Sheffieldaround Endcliffe Park S11 around lunchtime today but I didn’t see anything closer to the city centre
  19. So (sorry still trying to get my head around ssw) is thereany sign yet of one or does it only become apparent ten days after it appears?
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