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Zak M

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Everything posted by Zak M

  1. Hasn't really been much to look at today here apart from a distant cell producing a nice shelf in the evening. 18marchshelftimelapse.mp4
  2. This happened yesterday in Shetland apparently... bloody hell. https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02QmLtWoxccEjnmgmnxJBqyANSmLaivF24SVMvtt5DbJNxR8PokL4YPYcKjqVErgfCl&id=1207524501 333602314_201827299200432_978593033416037707_n.mp4 Included the actual video in case some are unable to view the link.
  3. I don't have a tracking mount yet, but I used ISO6400 with an aperture of f3.5 and four seconds of exposure time per image. Thanks - that definitely could be the case. I'm going to alter some of the settings in DSS too in hope that it does anything.
  4. The comet next to NGC 5907 on Sunday. Looks like it's developed a stunning anti-tail now. Ignore the bending artefacts, I have absolutely no idea what's caused them.
  5. Yes, without a tracker still Lovely shots btw
  6. Slowly getting brighter. This was a stack of around 200 images with four-second exposures
  7. Also had another attempt at it. Think there might be a slight tail in there but hard to tell
  8. Hi - yes, my attempt was untracked and I used a Canon EOS 850D with my EFS 18-135mm lens. Lovely shot there too. Hoping to get a star tracker next year
  9. C/2022 E3 (ZTF) is a comet that was discovered in March this year and is currently lurking near the constellation of Corona Borealis. It is expected to brighten over the next few weeks and is likely to be visible by the naked eye in areas away from light pollution. Here's a shot I managed of the comet a few days ago at around 3am, looking NE as it was rising above the horizon. This was taken with 400 two-second exposures and stacked using DeepSkyStacker.
  10. Great conditions thankfully this morning. Saw it all from start to finish.
  11. Some fabulous lightning from last night as others have mentioned. Awesome stuff for October! A few screen-grabs from the video:
  12. The strike at 10:19 turned out to be a very powerful +CG, although it's not like all +CGs are powerful I guess.
  13. Had a very nice thunderstorm a couple of hours ago - definitely had a few close +CGs as well, despite being shrouded with low cloud for most of the time and unable to see any bolts.
  14. I think I can, yeah... I don't think it will amount to much though, it looks like it's dying already
  15. Loads of flashing to my SW. That Oxford storm is throwing out a lot of CGs. Caught one on the bottom left but it's so hard to get my camera in focus..
  16. Bolt from the blue! Lovely jubbly
  17. Very nice storm from yesterday evening. Could be more tonight
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