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Everything posted by Beet

  1. Exactly. The former in bold is what I always imagine winter is like, it's what I love. But then winter actually arrives and it turns out like the latter in bold.
  2. I wonder what the average low for this month will be? At the rate we're going, surely something well above average right?
  3. My windows are getting hammered right now. Very loud, heavy rain here.
  4. The past couple of weeks here have been some of the wettest I can remember for at least a year and a half.
  5. Shame, I was 0.2 off. A great start to my CET career though.
  6. 9.9 please. I think we're actually going to have a cold one.
  7. Weather's been changing pretty erratically here in Harrow. It's been cloudy, then there was drizzle, then heavy rain, and now the skies are clear with the sun out.
  8. Only a week left now. This is my very first time entering the CET competition, and my 14.1 is looking very good. Would be awesome to win on my first time.
  9. I'd love to have a well below average CET winter this winter with lots of snow. However, it has been difficult to achieve a below average CET month recently, and when we do, it's not much below average. The last time it was actually well below average was March 2013, which was 6 and half years ago. It's because of this I find it highly discouraging and hard to believe we'll get an actually cold winter this time around.
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