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Posts posted by Erdem

  1. 1 hour ago, yamkin said:

    Latest CFS model output is showing blocking around the 14th Jan. This will tie in with the NAO going negative around that time frame allowing bitter cold winds from the Arctic to flow down. This also ties in with climatologist David King's forecast ❄️

    There looks nothing to suggest this even though it is nearly 2 weeks away , if you take ECM guidance to day 10 , a shift to a dramatic different pattern would be at least another week or so away . The deep PV and raised Euro Heights are hardest things to shift from my weather watching .

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Weather-history said:

    I have grown more and more cynical over time with all these teleconnections etc.

    Who talked about stratospheric warming etc before 2008? I don't recall anyone talking about it but it really kicked off with that event in January 2009 although remember talk about it in early 2008. The Met Office certainly never did to the general public pre 2009. Now its talked about every winter and cold weather lovers hang onto it. I was hooked by it back in 2009 and was told by more knowledgeabe persons that it could bring a freezing February, that was the expectations. The reality was it did bring a wintry first half to February but the second half was exceptionally mild. For such an event, the blocking wasn't spectacular. 

    We had the OPI back in winter 2014-15 but that didn't deliver the great winter, then we had the torpedo fiasco the following winter which to this day I still don't know that  was suppose to be about. 

    Now the low solar activity is being touted as the deliverer. Well it didn't deliver any great winters during that very low solar minimum in the first half of the 1910s. Infact, going off the last 100 years, suggest that those who want that spectacular winter that you have a better chance near a solar maximum. So maybe 2023-24 or 2024-25 will be the next 1978-79, 1939-40 etc.



    Interesting comment , there are a lot of theories I think for colder winters but often the result seems to same for W Europe = positive NAO index

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  3. 1 minute ago, Blessed Weather said:

    A warm welcome to the forum Erdem. :oldsmile: Yes, quiet and uninspiring weather here too. When the wind picks up later (the forecast) it will feel rather chilly under the grey skies. But at least it's not raining allowing some drying after recent flooding. Looking like the rain makes a return next week though.

    Thank you blessed hoping for something more wintry for my time in Uk but not looking good .

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  4. 10 hours ago, snowray said:

    Yes its a big country of course with a very varied terrain and climate, I remember years ago when some Turkish bloke was talking about skying in the Turkish mountains, I was quite shocked at first, thought it was more of a desert inland. In fact it often snows more down towards the middle east than it does in Old Blighty.

    Hi, I'm from Malatya and yes do see snow , quite lot in recent years.

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