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Eagle Eye

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Everything posted by Eagle Eye

  1. Edgbaston has done really well out of this sctually. Looks to have been some decent storms and showers about. Meanwhile, the humidity is increasing here and it feels thundery again.
  2. 2 more rumbles of thunder this evening now. Not a great structure fest but a storm fest for me nonetheless.
  3. No idea whether this has been put here before or not.
  4. There are 8 or 9 hours left with the risk still, going past sunset. Cloud won't inhibit is massively. Forcing and CAPE is high with decent shearing supporting good storms once they properly get going. Yes the cloud is unfortunate and limits extent of activity but it won't make it a bust in my opinion.
  5. Had cloud before my storms last night and I had lightning every minute for hours though I appreciate that was elevated. Cloud does not fully inhibit convection as much as people think it does. As long as EL's are tall and CAPE above cloud layer is a lot we're fine
  6. Storm (technically 2 storms) of the year so far for me and a fun one at that. Not as good as last year's imports yet in terms of CG activity but just as frequent with lightning. Some of the videos as well. For ones without lightning, turn up the volume for thunder. Sounded really loud on the desktop but when I downloaded it onto my phone it doesn't seem the same so the full volume sound likely won't be the full extent of how loud some of the rumbles truly were. There might be a few repeats, sorry if there are. Phone froze a couple times and saved my progress but I wasn't sure where it saved it. Lightning3.mp4.5c594daafcb29027604a18c863d1e40f.mp4 Lightning4.mp4.12c026452d16bcc1dd1e9af33dc01da9.mp4 Lightning9.mp4.fd447a041fd2492ef0f3dead4e4ab61d.mp4 Lightning8.mp4.852f6e62d69cffcb802bab518065d54d.mp4 Lightning6.mp4.13ea3f133180fc4a0c17ad4c48347722.mp4 Lightning4.mp4.12c026452d16bcc1dd1e9af33dc01da9 (1).mp4 Lightning19.mp4.632ccb3e6e0d8509b6c56f50da05e83f.mp4 Lightning10.mp4.8516ca4ee367c91e1ddd3a03598195f1.mp4 Lightning6.mp4.13ea3f133180fc4a0c17ad4c48347722.mp4 Lightning4.mp4.12c026452d16bcc1dd1e9af33dc01da9 (1).mp4 Lightning19.mp4.632ccb3e6e0d8509b6c56f50da05e83f.mp4 Lightning12.mp4.d809cc6690169d6afa104e032eb8c59a.mp4 Lightning7.mp4.832aca2a8bb218dba5c0c6412a87745f.mp4 Lightning15.mp4.36ab72e091fd4c3e4e18432fb86525f3.mp4 Lightning11.mp4.b97b0e8e145a8ca9d39268fda08c6a1c.mp4 Lightning5.mp4.cdb8c5e66229531eb4676819ec5a4799.mp4 Lightning17.mp4.e31dd1413b6b3efebedb05b0328f2cc2.mp4 Lightning8.mp4.852f6e62d69cffcb802bab518065d54d.mp4 Lightning7.mp4.832aca2a8bb218dba5c0c6412a87745f.mp4 Storm3.mp4.ce2acf4e945889056c37bfe94d4db76e.mp4 Storm1.mp4.b7128e2c50efda29b4cecd9d5dab45ea.mp4
  7. First sneak peak at what my cameras got from the 2 storms.
  8. Lightning 1.mp4 Lots of stuff from the channel storm on the 12th and the one last night and into this morning then the one after that. This is from my new camera. Lightning 2.mp4 CG but on autofocus. Lightning 3.mp4 Lightning 4.mp4 Lightning 6.mp4 Lightning 7.mp4 It's that tree and a CG again but got the first one Lightning 8.mp4 Lightning 9.mp4 Lightning 10.mp4 Lightning 10.mp4 Lightning 11.mp4 Lightning 12.mp4 Lightning 15.mp4 Lightning 19.mp4 * Some rather deep rumbles of thunder Lightning 5.mp4 Lightning 14.mp4 Lightning 17.mp4 Lightning 18.mp4 Lightning 156.mp4
  9. Err guys. I think that's called a good use of my new camera that one.
  10. A couple videos from one of my cameras. Ignore me in the background of one or two of them, had to crop it quickly so I didn't get the delayed reaction of my friend I was calling who saw them as well. Storm 1.mp4 Storm 2.mp4 Storm 3.mp4
  11. I got a bit of stuff from my phone but video called my friend half way through the storm so should also have some stuff on my cameras once I look through all the footage. Might have to mute the clips when I get them with my friends inappropriate language ha ha (okay and maybe mine as well). Here's some rolling thunder. YouCut_20230618_084340736.mp4 My friend also got something with the storm much closer to them.
  12. Rather loud rolling thunder from this morning with the second storm. YouCut_20230618_084340736.mp4
  13. I got some very good stuff on my phone. Half-way through the storm I called my friend though and video called them with the storm so you'll have to wait for the stuff off my cameras for the rest of what I got. A rather large shelf cloud thst evolved as it got near and past me. Crawling CG Rolling shutter there. My friend got this. He was closer to the storms, I wasn't going to pretend I took them though because they're brilliant.
  14. So I got a load of CG's but not a load came up well on camera but I've got about 60 videos to look through.
  15. Enjoying the show at the moment, too distant at the moment for my camera and covered in cloud.
  16. Nope, I'd have to be looking out my other window to see that.
  17. South ish, can't really tell. It's lightning up the whole sky.
  18. The south often performs above modelling in my experience and its very dry down here. I haven't had rain for a month. The light shower from the outflow caused some surface flooding already so its all relative.
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