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Everything posted by Howie

  1. I'm actually really upset that the weather is going to switch so violently to absolute rubbish. Cannot believe this really, typical UK
  2. The ECM is absolutely horrendous! How can we go from such a warm spell to a deep low over us, I hate this country's climate sometimes
  3. Ahh the US always messing up our weather in winter and now summer
  4. Can anyone explain why this low is deepening so much all of a sudden, is the jet stream strengthening?
  5. Willl be a true shame if we had such a good June just to descend into a crap July
  6. As this year proved, sometimes not even at 0 hours
  7. I hate when the models go into their flip flopping modes, really grinds my gears
  8. That low to the north west just bulldozes everything
  9. It's very very humid today, the air feels thick
  10. But low pressure soon to push the high away, not liking this run
  11. Ecm has pressure on the high again. Not ridging up through the country
  12. Lots of cloud bubbling up in London
  13. Honestly, they're very sometimeish for me. Yes my sister and a few friends have suddenly developed it in the last 2 years, wild how no one knows why it's increased so much in the last century
  14. Yeah I was hoping the GFS was wrong with it's Atlantic muck but I guess it wasn't. So dissapointed our nice spell of weather is coming to an end, hopefully temporarily
  15. Same, developed it at about 12. Nasal sprays don't even work for me anymore . Yeah second half of summer is good for me too, couldn't imagine suffering with it from February to June
  16. Yeah, I'm forced to stay inside as it's so severe atm
  17. Mine gets really bad in June, grass pollen I think. Absolutely nightmare
  18. Anyone else's hayfever going into over drive right now?
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