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Andrew Hurcomb

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Everything posted by Andrew Hurcomb

  1. After yesterdays sunny day, even though it only got to 14.6 C here today has been back to the winter weather. Raining most of the time, still raining now at 18.33pm and a top temp of 10.2 C. November weather.Top temp so far this April in Hereford, 15.2 C. I wondered if it would make 18 C degrees here this April. I am now wondering if it will make 16 C. Roll on summer if this is the best spring can offer.
  2. Apart from today, ( just been out to feed birds and the wind is very cold, but blue skies for a change) I try and keep a cheerful outlook on the weather. But the next 7 days just look like the most depressing weather forecast I have ever seen for this time of year! Cold, wet, temps surppessed and only a very gradual gradiant of getting back to where we should be. I think my cycling trip will again be canceled this weeekend because of rain, cold, wind. Jeeze UK weather please give us a break!
  3. Forecast for today here, cloudy and 14 degrees. Its grey cloudy and raining again and 12 degrees. The warm weather they predicted last week looks like a dream long ago. Booked to go cycling178 miles from yesterday to tomorrow as they forecast it being nice. Not really keen in cycling and camping that distance in 12 degrees and rain. Has not got over 16 degrees here this April and judging by the forecast I cannot see it attaining that or above. Looked at the local weather station for last 20 years. 5 of those years never made it to 18 degrees, last one being 2016. Guess we have short memories. Roll on May!
  4. It is too bloody cold! Local station yesterday -11.3 today -10.6
  5. Come and gone over Hereford. Lots of lightening mostly in cloud. Went west of hereford, then pepped up as it went up Lugg valley heading towards Bromyard. Not enough rain though.
  6. When does a heatwave become a severe drought? This is what I am seeing with the forecast at the moment. With lack of rain in many parts of England this spring and with rivers etc running very low already, ( plus the state of some of them with raw sewage and phosphates producing algae blooms and wiping out keystone species, see River Wye ), then all I see are huge proplems for us and the wildlife. Wildfires will become common place in the next week as things become tinder dry. At least another 10+ days without any useable rain forecast. As if things couldn't be any worse in this country.... Enjoy the heatwave.... the consequences will become apparent pretty soon.
  7. Rained here the 10 days out of the last 12. Just stopped now. Hopefully out on bike later when things have dried up a bit
  8. Currently 16 degrees, blowing a gale, waiting for the rain to move in. Yesterday was the same. Wish the wind would ease and I could go cycling. Wind gusts of 32mph here today.
  9. Just hit Hereford hard. Hail, thunder and lightening for 10 mins. Suns back out now.
  10. The lightening strike east of Hereford which was less than a mile from me, I didn't see, or hear. Ive noticed 5 flashes of lightening so far with very distant thunder. 1.27mm of rain. Not really biblical here.
  11. Wave Buoys & Weather Stations MAGICSEAWEED.COM Watching this closely to see how broken the anemometer at Hereford (Credenhill) really is. Registering gusts of 15mph at the moment while Shobdon 20k away is already at 41mph.
  12. Didn't they have a Cobra meeting today about this storm? It makes perfect sense that people in power didn't want people in London to take a day off because of the weather as it would hit profits, business etc. Hold out as long as possible and hope it doesn;t warrent a Red Warning for South and East.
  13. Met Off predicted winds here in Hereford for Storm Dudley 48-49mph. So far today we have hit 46mph, so not far off. Storm Eunice they predict 61mph, but I think it will go higher here.
  14. What we all seem to be forgetting is Storm Dudley, which will be less than 48 hours before Storm Eunice. Tree roots, fences and some structural buildings will already be weakened by this storm. Then to have another storm come through with anything from 60-80mph winds will be carnage!
  15. Same here in Hereford May.0 June 2 July 9 August 0 Have to go back to 2014 for a equivelant summer. This August hasnt even reached 24 c here. At the moment 16.3c and cloudy.
  16. Grey, cold clag fest here in Hereford. Top temp today, 17.9C.
  17. Last few days have been generally cloudy, grey and windy N or W Bft 3 in Hereford. Today top temp so far of 17.9 Celcius. Yesterday wasn,t much better. One day of 24 Celcius this August and thats been the highest temp so far. Gernerally feeling like Autumn. As a kid Augusts used to be warm and sunny. Last 15-20 years it just feels like Augusts have become a Autumn month not a Summer month. Don't even feel like getting out on my bike its that depressing. Hoping we get a bit more heat before we call summer over with.
  18. Last three days have registered over 30 degrees at Credenhill, then 28 and a 26 before that. Another 2 days of 30 degree temps forecast here. Local weather station tops out at 32 degrees, in Hereford city not 4.5 miles out at Credenhill. Plenty warm enough for these parts. I guess people from the south east are used to these temps? I have struggled especially Sunday when I seemed to feel rough and could not get cool at all. Either that or I am getting old!
  19. The Imperial Star destroyer death cloud has moved in over Hereford this morning
  20. -5.8 at Credenhill last night, (thats Hereford to you that don't know. 5 miles out of Hereford in the countryside but meh) Sennybridge down to -7.5. Funny as it has gone cloudy here now but still -1 out there feeding the birds this morning.
  21. -6.6 at 7 am at Credenhill which they use for Hereford although its actually 5 miles away from the city. Nearest to me showing -5.5. That is quite cold for these parts.
  22. Met Office forecast for Hereford this morning, overcast, 10% of precipitation. Reality.... VID_624930823_123751_206.mp4
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